Supported Models

ModelDescriptionContext LengthPricing
Google: Gemini Flash 1.5

Gemini 1.5 Flash is a foundation model that performs well at a variety of multimodal tasks such as visual understanding, classification, summarization, and creating content from image, audio and video. It's adept at processing visual and text inputs such as photographs, documents, infographics, and screenshots.

Gemini 1.5 Flash is designed for high-volume, high-frequency tasks where cost and latency matter. On most common tasks, Flash achieves comparable quality to other Gemini Pro models at a significantly reduced cost. Flash is well-suited for applications like chat assistants and on-demand content generation where speed and scale matter.

Usage of Gemini is subject to Google's Gemini Terms of Use.


$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$0.7500/ 1M output tokens
$0.2650 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude 3.5 Sonnet (self-moderated)

This is a lower-latency version of Claude 3.5 Sonnet, made available in collaboration with Anthropic, that is self-moderated: response moderation happens on the model's side instead of OpenRouter's. It's in beta, and may change in the future.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet delivers better-than-Opus capabilities, faster-than-Sonnet speeds, at the same Sonnet prices. Sonnet is particularly good at:

  • Coding: Autonomously writes, edits, and runs code with reasoning and troubleshooting
  • Data science: Augments human data science expertise; navigates unstructured data while using multiple tools for insights
  • Visual processing: excelling at interpreting charts, graphs, and images, accurately transcribing text to derive insights beyond just the text alone
  • Agentic tasks: exceptional tool use, making it great at agentic tasks (i.e. complex, multi-step problem solving tasks that require engaging with other systems)


$3.0000 / 1M input tokens
$15.0000/ 1M output tokens
$4.8000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4o

GPT-4o ("o" for "omni") is OpenAI's latest AI model, supporting both text and image inputs with text outputs. It maintains the intelligence level of GPT-4 Turbo while being twice as fast and 50% more cost-effective. GPT-4o also offers improved performance in processing non-English languages and enhanced visual capabilities.

For benchmarking against other models, it was briefly called "im-also-a-good-gpt2-chatbot"


$5.0000 / 1M input tokens
$15.0000/ 1M output tokens
$7.2250 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude 3 Haiku

Claude 3 Haiku is Anthropic's fastest and most compact model for near-instant responsiveness. Quick and accurate targeted performance.

See the launch announcement and benchmark results here


$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$1.2500/ 1M output tokens
$0.4000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo

The latest GPT-4 Turbo model with vision capabilities. Vision requests can now use JSON mode and function calling.

Training data: up to December 2023.

$10.0000 / 1M input tokens
$30.0000/ 1M output tokens
$14.4500 /K input images
Google: Gemini Pro 1.5

Google's latest multimodal model, supporting image and video in text or chat prompts.

Optimized for language tasks including:

  • Code generation
  • Text generation
  • Text editing
  • Problem solving
  • Recommendations
  • Information extraction
  • Data extraction or generation
  • AI agents

Usage of Gemini is subject to Google's Gemini Terms of Use.


$2.5000 / 1M input tokens
$7.5000/ 1M output tokens
$2.6500 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4o (2024-05-13)

GPT-4o ("o" for "omni") is OpenAI's latest AI model, supporting both text and image inputs with text outputs. It maintains the intelligence level of GPT-4 Turbo while being twice as fast and 50% more cost-effective. GPT-4o also offers improved performance in processing non-English languages and enhanced visual capabilities.

For benchmarking against other models, it was briefly called "im-also-a-good-gpt2-chatbot"


$5.0000 / 1M input tokens
$15.0000/ 1M output tokens
$7.2250 /K input images
Databricks: DBRX 132B Instruct

DBRX is a new open source large language model developed by Databricks. At 132B, it outperforms existing open source LLMs like Llama 2 70B and Mixtral-8x7b on standard industry benchmarks for language understanding, programming, math, and logic.

It uses a fine-grained mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture. 36B parameters are active on any input. It was pre-trained on 12T tokens of text and code data. Compared to other open MoE models like Mixtral-8x7B and Grok-1, DBRX is fine-grained, meaning it uses a larger number of smaller experts.

See the launch announcement and benchmark results here.


$1.0800 / 1M input tokens
$1.0800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Cohere: Command R+

Command R+ is a new, 104B-parameter LLM from Cohere. It's useful for roleplay, general consumer usecases, and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

It offers multilingual support for ten key languages to facilitate global business operations. See benchmarks and the launch post here.

Use of this model is subject to Cohere's Acceptable Use Policy.

$3.0000 / 1M input tokens
$15.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude Instant v1.0

Anthropic's model for low-latency, high throughput text generation. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$0.8000 / 1M input tokens
$2.4000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3.1 8B Instruct

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3.1) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 8B instruct-tuned version is fast and efficient.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.1500 / 1M input tokens
$0.1500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3.1 405B Instruct

The highly anticipated 400B class of Llama3 is here! Clocking in at 128k context with impressive eval scores, the Meta AI team continues to push the frontier of open-source LLMs.

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3.1) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 405B instruct-tuned version is optimized for high quality dialogue usecases.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models including GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet in evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$3.0000 / 1M input tokens
$3.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k

The latest GPT-3.5 Turbo model with improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling, and more. Training data: up to Sep 2021.

This version has a higher accuracy at responding in requested formats and a fix for a bug which caused a text encoding issue for non-English language function calls.

$0.5000 / 1M input tokens
$1.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3.1 70B Instruct

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3.1) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 70B instruct-tuned version is optimized for high quality dialogue usecases.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.7650 / 1M input tokens
$0.7650/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude 3 Sonnet

Claude 3 Sonnet is an ideal balance of intelligence and speed for enterprise workloads. Maximum utility at a lower price, dependable, balanced for scaled deployments.

See the launch announcement and benchmark results here


$3.0000 / 1M input tokens
$15.0000/ 1M output tokens
$4.8000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude 3 Opus

Claude 3 Opus is Anthropic's most powerful model for highly complex tasks. It boasts top-level performance, intelligence, fluency, and understanding.

See the launch announcement and benchmark results here


$15.0000 / 1M input tokens
$75.0000/ 1M output tokens
$24.0000 /K input images
Cohere: Command R

Command-R is a 35B parameter model that performs conversational language tasks at a higher quality, more reliably, and with a longer context than previous models. It can be used for complex workflows like code generation, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), tool use, and agents.

Read the launch post here.

Use of this model is subject to Cohere's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.5000 / 1M input tokens
$1.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
LLaVA v1.6 34B

LLaVA Yi 34B is an open-source model trained by fine-tuning LLM on multimodal instruction-following data. It is an auto-regressive language model, based on the transformer architecture. Base LLM: NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-2-Yi-34B

It was trained in December 2023.

$0.9000 / 1M input tokens
$0.9000/ 1M output tokens
$0.5184 /K input images
MythoMax 13B (extended)

One of the highest performing and most popular fine-tunes of Llama 2 13B, with rich descriptions and roleplay. #merge

Note: this is an extended-context version of MythoMax 13B. It may have higher prices and different outputs.

$1.1250 / 1M input tokens
$1.1250/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama v2 13B Chat

A 13 billion parameter language model from Meta, fine tuned for chat completions

$0.2700 / 1M input tokens
$0.2700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: CodeLlama 70B Instruct

Code Llama is a family of large language models for code. This one is based on Llama 2 70B and provides zero-shot instruction-following ability for programming tasks.

$0.8100 / 1M input tokens
$0.8100/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Yi 6B (base)

The Yi series models are large language models trained from scratch by developers at 01.AI. This is the base 6B parameter model.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Midnight Rose 70B

A merge with a complex family tree, this model was crafted for roleplaying and storytelling. Midnight Rose is a successor to Rogue Rose and Aurora Nights and improves upon them both. It wants to produce lengthy output by default and is the best creative writing merge produced so far by sophosympatheia.

Descending from earlier versions of Midnight Rose and Wizard Tulu Dolphin 70B, it inherits the best qualities of each.

$0.8000 / 1M input tokens
$0.8000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenHermes 2 Mistral 7B

Trained on 900k instructions, surpasses all previous versions of Hermes 13B and below, and matches 70B on some benchmarks. Hermes 2 has strong multiturn chat skills and system prompt capabilities.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Goliath 120B

A large LLM created by combining two fine-tuned Llama 70B models into one 120B model. Combines Xwin and Euryale.

Credits to


$9.3750 / 1M input tokens
$9.3750/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mixtral 8x7B (base)

A pretrained generative Sparse Mixture of Experts, by Mistral AI. Incorporates 8 experts (feed-forward networks) for a total of 47B parameters. Base model (not fine-tuned for instructions) - see Mixtral 8x7B Instruct for an instruct-tuned model.


$0.5400 / 1M input tokens
$0.5400/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Yi 34B Chat

The Yi series models are large language models trained from scratch by developers at 01.AI. This 34B parameter model has been instruct-tuned for chat.

$0.7200 / 1M input tokens
$0.7200/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Yi 34B (base)

The Yi series models are large language models trained from scratch by developers at 01.AI. This is the base 34B parameter model.

$0.7200 / 1M input tokens
$0.7200/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Cinematika 7B (alpha)

This model is under development. Check the OpenRouter Discord for updates.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo

GPT-3.5 Turbo is OpenAI's fastest model. It can understand and generate natural language or code, and is optimized for chat and traditional completion tasks.

Training data up to Sep 2021.

$0.5000 / 1M input tokens
$1.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k (older v1106)

An older GPT-3.5 Turbo model with improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling, and more. Training data: up to Sep 2021.

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$2.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo (older v0301)

GPT-3.5 Turbo is OpenAI's fastest model. It can understand and generate natural language or code, and is optimized for chat and traditional completion tasks.

Training data up to Sep 2021.

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$2.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo (older v0613)

GPT-3.5 Turbo is OpenAI's fastest model. It can understand and generate natural language or code, and is optimized for chat and traditional completion tasks.

Training data up to Sep 2021.

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$2.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Hugging Face: Zephyr 7B

Zephyr is a series of language models that are trained to act as helpful assistants. Zephyr-7B-β is the second model in the series, and is a fine-tuned version of mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 that was trained on a mix of publicly available, synthetic datasets using Direct Preference Optimization (DPO).

$-1000000.0000 / 1M input tokens
$-1000000.0000/ 1M output tokens
$-1000.0000 /K input images
Llama 3 Lumimaid 70B

The NeverSleep team is back, with a Llama 3 70B finetune trained on their curated roleplay data. Striking a balance between eRP and RP, Lumimaid was designed to be serious, yet uncensored when necessary.

To enhance it's overall intelligence and chat capability, roughly 40% of the training data was not roleplay. This provides a breadth of knowledge to access, while still keeping roleplay as the primary strength.

Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$3.3750 / 1M input tokens
$4.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Hermes 2 Mistral 7B DPO

This is the flagship 7B Hermes model, a Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) of Teknium/OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B. It shows improvement across the board on all benchmarks tested - AGIEval, BigBench Reasoning, GPT4All, and TruthfulQA.

The model prior to DPO was trained on 1,000,000 instructions/chats of GPT-4 quality or better, primarily synthetic data as well as other high quality datasets.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo 16k

This model offers four times the context length of gpt-3.5-turbo, allowing it to support approximately 20 pages of text in a single request at a higher cost. Training data: up to Sep 2021.

$3.0000 / 1M input tokens
$4.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo (older v1106)

The latest GPT-4 Turbo model with vision capabilities. Vision requests can now use JSON mode and function calling.

Training data: up to April 2023.

$10.0000 / 1M input tokens
$30.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Hermes 2 Yi 34B

Nous Hermes 2 Yi 34B was trained on 1,000,000 entries of primarily GPT-4 generated data, as well as other high quality data from open datasets across the AI landscape.

Nous-Hermes 2 on Yi 34B outperforms all Nous-Hermes & Open-Hermes models of the past, achieving new heights in all benchmarks for a Nous Research LLM as well as surpassing many popular finetunes.

$0.7200 / 1M input tokens
$0.7200/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4 (older v0314)

GPT-4-0314 is the first version of GPT-4 released, with a context length of 8,192 tokens, and was supported until June 14. Training data: up to Sep 2021.

$30.0000 / 1M input tokens
$60.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Perplexity: PPLX 70B Online

The larger, internet-connected chat model by Perplexity Labs, based on Llama 2 70B. The online models are focused on delivering helpful, up-to-date, and factual responses. #online

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$1.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
$0.0050 / request
Perplexity: PPLX 7B Online

The smaller, internet-connected chat model by Perplexity Labs, based on Mistral 7B. The online models are focused on delivering helpful, up-to-date, and factual responses. #online

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
$0.0050 / request
Perplexity: PPLX 7B Chat

The smaller chat model by Perplexity Labs, with 7 billion parameters. Based on Mistral 7B.

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4 32k

GPT-4-32k is an extended version of GPT-4, with the same capabilities but quadrupled context length, allowing for processing up to 40 pages of text in a single pass. This is particularly beneficial for handling longer content like interacting with PDFs without an external vector database. Training data: up to Sep 2021.

$60.0000 / 1M input tokens
$120.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-3.5 Turbo Instruct

This model is a variant of GPT-3.5 Turbo tuned for instructional prompts and omitting chat-related optimizations. Training data: up to Sep 2021.

$1.5000 / 1M input tokens
$2.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: PaLM 2 Code Chat

PaLM 2 fine-tuned for chatbot conversations that help with code-related questions.

$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$0.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: PaLM 2 Chat 32k

PaLM 2 is a language model by Google with improved multilingual, reasoning and coding capabilities.

$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$0.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: PaLM 2 Code Chat 32k

PaLM 2 fine-tuned for chatbot conversations that help with code-related questions.

$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$0.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral OpenOrca 7B

A fine-tune of Mistral using the OpenOrca dataset. First 7B model to beat all other models <30B.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4 32k (older v0314)

GPT-4-32k is an extended version of GPT-4, with the same capabilities but quadrupled context length, allowing for processing up to 40 pages of text in a single pass. This is particularly beneficial for handling longer content like interacting with PDFs without an external vector database. Training data: up to Sep 2021.

$60.0000 / 1M input tokens
$120.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: PaLM 2 Chat

PaLM 2 is a language model by Google with improved multilingual, reasoning and coding capabilities.

$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$0.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4

OpenAI's flagship model, GPT-4 is a large-scale multimodal language model capable of solving difficult problems with greater accuracy than previous models due to its broader general knowledge and advanced reasoning capabilities. Training data: up to Sep 2021.

$30.0000 / 1M input tokens
$60.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude 3 Haiku (self-moderated)

This is a lower-latency version of Claude 3 Haiku, made available in collaboration with Anthropic, that is self-moderated: response moderation happens on the model's side instead of OpenRouter's. It's in beta, and may change in the future.

Claude 3 Haiku is Anthropic's fastest and most compact model for near-instant responsiveness. Quick and accurate targeted performance.

See the launch announcement and benchmark results here


$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$1.2500/ 1M output tokens
$0.4000 /K input images
Perplexity: Sonar 8x7B Online

Sonar is Perplexity's latest model family. It surpasses their earlier models in cost-efficiency, speed, and performance.

This is the online version of Sonar 8x7B. It is focused on delivering helpful, up-to-date, and factual responses. #online

$0.6000 / 1M input tokens
$0.6000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
$0.0050 / request
Perplexity: PPLX 70B Chat

The larger chat model by Perplexity Labs, with 70 billion parameters. Based on Llama 2 70B.

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$1.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Perplexity: Sonar 7B

Sonar is Perplexity's latest model family. It surpasses their earlier models in cost-efficiency, speed, and performance.

The version of this model with Internet access is Sonar 7B Online.

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Perplexity: Sonar 8x7B

Sonar is Perplexity's latest model family. It surpasses their earlier models in cost-efficiency, speed, and performance.

The version of this model with Internet access is Sonar 8x7B Online.

$0.6000 / 1M input tokens
$0.6000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Perplexity: Sonar 7B Online

Sonar is Perplexity's latest model family. It surpasses their earlier models in cost-efficiency, speed, and performance.

This is the online version of Sonar 7B. It is focused on delivering helpful, up-to-date, and factual responses. #online

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
$0.0050 / request
Airoboros 70B

A Llama 2 70B fine-tune using synthetic data (the Airoboros dataset).

Currently based on jondurbin/airoboros-l2-70b, but might get updated in the future.

$-1000000.0000 / 1M input tokens
$-1000000.0000/ 1M output tokens
$-1000.0000 /K input images
OpenChat 3.5 7B

OpenChat 7B is a library of open-source language models, fine-tuned with "C-RLFT (Conditioned Reinforcement Learning Fine-Tuning)" - a strategy inspired by offline reinforcement learning. It has been trained on mixed-quality data without preference labels.

  • For OpenChat fine-tuned on Mistral 7B, check out OpenChat 7B.
  • For OpenChat fine-tuned on Llama 8B, check out OpenChat 8B.


$0.0700 / 1M input tokens
$0.0700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Chronos Hermes 13B v2

A 75/25 merge of Chronos 13b v2 and Nous Hermes Llama2 13b. This offers the imaginative writing style of Chronos while retaining coherency. Outputs are long and use exceptional prose. #merge

$0.1300 / 1M input tokens
$0.1300/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
lzlv 70B

A Mythomax/MLewd_13B-style merge of selected 70B models. A multi-model merge of several LLaMA2 70B finetunes for roleplaying and creative work. The goal was to create a model that combines creativity with intelligence for an enhanced experience.

#merge #uncensored

$0.5900 / 1M input tokens
$0.7900/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: Gemini Pro Vision 1.0

Google's flagship multimodal model, supporting image and video in text or chat prompts for a text or code response.

See the benchmarks and prompting guidelines from Deepmind.

Usage of Gemini is subject to Google's Gemini Terms of Use.


$0.1250 / 1M input tokens
$0.3750/ 1M output tokens
$2.5000 /K input images
Mixtral 8x7B Instruct

A pretrained generative Sparse Mixture of Experts, by Mistral AI, for chat and instruction use. Incorporates 8 experts (feed-forward networks) for a total of 47 billion parameters.

Instruct model fine-tuned by Mistral. #moe

$0.2400 / 1M input tokens
$0.2400/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama v2 70B Chat

The flagship, 70 billion parameter language model from Meta, fine tuned for chat completions. Llama 2 is an auto-regressive language model that uses an optimized transformer architecture. The tuned versions use supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) to align to human preferences for helpfulness and safety.

$0.8100 / 1M input tokens
$0.8100/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Capybara 34B

This model is trained on the Yi-34B model for 3 epochs on the Capybara dataset. It's the first 34B Nous model and first 200K context length Nous model.

Note: This endpoint currently supports 32k context.

$0.9000 / 1M input tokens
$0.9000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude v2.1

Claude 2 delivers advancements in key capabilities for enterprises—including an industry-leading 200K token context window, significant reductions in rates of model hallucination, system prompts and a new beta feature: tool use.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude Instant v1

Anthropic's model for low-latency, high throughput text generation. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$0.8000 / 1M input tokens
$2.4000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenHermes 2.5 Mistral 7B

A continuation of OpenHermes 2 model, trained on additional code datasets. Potentially the most interesting finding from training on a good ratio (est. of around 7-14% of the total dataset) of code instruction was that it has boosted several non-code benchmarks, including TruthfulQA, AGIEval, and GPT4All suite. It did however reduce BigBench benchmark score, but the net gain overall is significant.

$0.1700 / 1M input tokens
$0.1700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude v2

Claude 2 delivers advancements in key capabilities for enterprises—including an industry-leading 200K token context window, significant reductions in rates of model hallucination, system prompts and a new beta feature: tool use.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude Instant v1.2

Anthropic's model for low-latency, high throughput text generation. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$0.8000 / 1M input tokens
$2.4000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude v1

Anthropic's model for low-latency, high throughput text generation. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude v1.2

Anthropic's model for low-latency, high throughput text generation. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude v2.0

Anthropic's flagship model. Superior performance on tasks that require complex reasoning. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude Instant v1.1

Anthropic's model for low-latency, high throughput text generation. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$0.8000 / 1M input tokens
$2.4000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude v2 (self-moderated)

This is a lower-latency version of Claude v2, made available in collaboration with Anthropic, that is self-moderated: response moderation happens on the model's side instead of OpenRouter's. It's in beta, and may change in the future.

Claude 2 delivers advancements in key capabilities for enterprises—including an industry-leading 200K token context window, significant reductions in rates of model hallucination, system prompts and a new beta feature: tool use.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenChat 3.5 7B (free)

OpenChat 7B is a library of open-source language models, fine-tuned with "C-RLFT (Conditioned Reinforcement Learning Fine-Tuning)" - a strategy inspired by offline reinforcement learning. It has been trained on mixed-quality data without preference labels.

  • For OpenChat fine-tuned on Mistral 7B, check out OpenChat 7B.
  • For OpenChat fine-tuned on Llama 8B, check out OpenChat 8B.


Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of OpenChat 3.5 7B. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
MythoMax 13B (nitro)

One of the highest performing and most popular fine-tunes of Llama 2 13B, with rich descriptions and roleplay. #merge

Note: this is a higher-throughput version of MythoMax 13B. It may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude v2.0 (self-moderated)

This is a lower-latency version of Claude v2.0, made available in collaboration with Anthropic, that is self-moderated: response moderation happens on the model's side instead of OpenRouter's. It's in beta, and may change in the future.

Anthropic's flagship model. Superior performance on tasks that require complex reasoning. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Hugging Face: Zephyr 7B (free)

Zephyr is a series of language models that are trained to act as helpful assistants. Zephyr-7B-β is the second model in the series, and is a fine-tuned version of mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 that was trained on a mix of publicly available, synthetic datasets using Direct Preference Optimization (DPO).

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Zephyr 7B. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude Instant v1 (self-moderated)

This is a lower-latency version of Claude Instant v1, made available in collaboration with Anthropic, that is self-moderated: response moderation happens on the model's side instead of OpenRouter's. It's in beta, and may change in the future.

Anthropic's model for low-latency, high throughput text generation. Supports hundreds of pages of text.

$0.8000 / 1M input tokens
$2.4000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Mistral 7B Instruct (nitro)

A high-performing, industry-standard 7.3B parameter model, with optimizations for speed and context length.

Mistral 7B Instruct has multiple version variants, and this is intended to be the latest version.

Note: this is a higher-throughput version of Mistral 7B Instruct. It may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.0700 / 1M input tokens
$0.0700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mixtral 8x7B Instruct (nitro)

A pretrained generative Sparse Mixture of Experts, by Mistral AI, for chat and instruction use. Incorporates 8 experts (feed-forward networks) for a total of 47 billion parameters.

Instruct model fine-tuned by Mistral. #moe

Note: this is a higher-throughput version of Mixtral 8x7B Instruct. It may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.5400 / 1M input tokens
$0.5400/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: Gemma 7B

Gemma by Google is an advanced, open-source language model family, leveraging the latest in decoder-only, text-to-text technology. It offers English language capabilities across text generation tasks like question answering, summarization, and reasoning. The Gemma 7B variant is comparable in performance to leading open source models.

Usage of Gemma is subject to Google's Gemma Terms of Use.

$0.0700 / 1M input tokens
$0.0700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral Small

This model is currently powered by Mixtral-8X7B-v0.1, a sparse mixture of experts model with 12B active parameters. It has better reasoning, exhibits more capabilities, can produce and reason about code, and is multiligual, supporting English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. #moe

$2.0000 / 1M input tokens
$6.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral Large

This is Mistral AI's closed-source, flagship model. It's powered by a closed-source prototype and excels at reasoning, code, JSON, chat, and more. Read the launch announcement here.

It is fluent in English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian, with high grammatical accuracy, and its 32K tokens context window allows precise information recall from large documents.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Cohere: Command

Command is an instruction-following conversational model that performs language tasks with high quality, more reliably and with a longer context than our base generative models.

Use of this model is subject to Cohere's Acceptable Use Policy.

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$2.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral Medium

This is Mistral AI's closed-source, medium-sided model. It's powered by a closed-source prototype and excels at reasoning, code, JSON, chat, and more. In benchmarks, it compares with many of the flagship models of other companies.

$2.7000 / 1M input tokens
$8.1000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: Gemini Pro 1.0

Google's flagship text generation model. Designed to handle natural language tasks, multiturn text and code chat, and code generation.

See the benchmarks and prompting guidelines from Deepmind.

Usage of Gemini is subject to Google's Gemini Terms of Use.

$0.1250 / 1M input tokens
$0.3750/ 1M output tokens
$2.5000 /K input images
Mistral: Mistral 7B Instruct v0.1

A 7.3B parameter model that outperforms Llama 2 13B on all benchmarks, with optimizations for speed and context length.

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2

A high-performing, industry-standard 7.3B parameter model, with optimizations for speed and context length.

An improved version of Mistral 7B Instruct, with the following changes:

  • 32k context window (vs 8k context in v0.1)
  • Rope-theta = 1e6
  • No Sliding-Window Attention
$0.0700 / 1M input tokens
$0.0700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Phi-3 Medium 128K Instruct

Phi-3 128K Medium is a powerful 14-billion parameter model designed for advanced language understanding, reasoning, and instruction following. Optimized through supervised fine-tuning and preference adjustments, it excels in tasks involving common sense, mathematics, logical reasoning, and code processing.

At time of release, Phi-3 Medium demonstrated state-of-the-art performance among lightweight models. In the MMLU-Pro eval, the model even comes close to a Llama3 70B level of performance.

For 4k context length, try Phi-3 Medium 4K.

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$1.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4 Vision

Ability to understand images, in addition to all other GPT-4 Turbo capabilties. Training data: up to Apr 2023.

Note: heavily rate limited by OpenAI while in preview.


$10.0000 / 1M input tokens
$30.0000/ 1M output tokens
$14.4500 /K input images
Dolphin 2.6 Mixtral 8x7B 🐬

This is a 16k context fine-tune of Mixtral-8x7b. It excels in coding tasks due to extensive training with coding data and is known for its obedience, although it lacks DPO tuning.

The model is uncensored and is stripped of alignment and bias. It requires an external alignment layer for ethical use. Users are cautioned to use this highly compliant model responsibly, as detailed in a blog post about uncensored models at

#moe #uncensored

$0.5000 / 1M input tokens
$0.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Mistral 7B Instruct v0.3

A high-performing, industry-standard 7.3B parameter model, with optimizations for speed and context length.

An improved version of Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2, with the following changes:

  • Extended vocabulary to 32768
  • Supports v3 Tokenizer
  • Supports function calling

NOTE: Support for function calling depends on the provider.

$0.0600 / 1M input tokens
$0.0600/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Neural Chat 7B v3.1

A fine-tuned model based on mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 on the open source dataset Open-Orca/SlimOrca, aligned with DPO algorithm. For more details, refer to the blog: The Practice of Supervised Fine-tuning and Direct Preference Optimization on Habana Gaudi2.

$5.0000 / 1M input tokens
$5.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral Tiny

This model is currently powered by Mistral-7B-v0.2, and incorporates a "better" fine-tuning than Mistral 7B, inspired by community work. It's best used for large batch processing tasks where cost is a significant factor but reasoning capabilities are not crucial.

$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$0.2500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
NousResearch: Hermes 2 Pro - Llama-3 8B

Hermes 2 Pro is an upgraded, retrained version of Nous Hermes 2, consisting of an updated and cleaned version of the OpenHermes 2.5 Dataset, as well as a newly introduced Function Calling and JSON Mode dataset developed in-house.

$0.1400 / 1M input tokens
$0.1400/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama v2 70B Chat (nitro)

The flagship, 70 billion parameter language model from Meta, fine tuned for chat completions. Llama 2 is an auto-regressive language model that uses an optimized transformer architecture. The tuned versions use supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) to align to human preferences for helpfulness and safety.

Note: this is a higher-throughput version of Llama v2 70B Chat. It may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.9000 / 1M input tokens
$0.9000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenChat 3.6 8B

OpenChat 8B is a library of open-source language models, fine-tuned with "C-RLFT (Conditioned Reinforcement Learning Fine-Tuning)" - a strategy inspired by offline reinforcement learning. It has been trained on mixed-quality data without preference labels.

It outperforms many similarly sized models including Llama 3 8B Instruct and various fine-tuned models. It excels in general conversation, coding assistance, and mathematical reasoning.

  • For OpenChat fine-tuned on Mistral 7B, check out OpenChat 7B.
  • For OpenChat fine-tuned on Llama 8B, check out OpenChat 8B.


$0.0640 / 1M input tokens
$0.0640/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
JetMoE 8B (free)

Coming from a broad set of teams, ranging from academic to industry veterans, Jet MoE is a combined effort from MIT, Princeton, IBM, Lepton, and MyShell.

This model is fully open source and trained only on public datasets, making it well suited for uses in academia or public research.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of this model. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Databricks: DBRX 132B Instruct (nitro)

DBRX is a new open source large language model developed by Databricks. At 132B, it outperforms existing open source LLMs like Llama 2 70B and Mixtral-8x7B on standard industry benchmarks for language understanding, programming, math, and logic.

It uses a fine-grained mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture. 36B parameters are active on any input. It was pre-trained on 12T tokens of text and code data. Compared to other open MoE models like Mixtral-8x7B and Grok-1, DBRX is fine-grained, meaning it uses a larger number of smaller experts.

See the launch announcement and benchmark results here.


Note: this is a higher-throughput version of this model, and may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.9000 / 1M input tokens
$0.9000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Hermes 13B

A state-of-the-art language model fine-tuned on over 300k instructions by Nous Research, with Teknium and Emozilla leading the fine tuning process.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images

DeepSeek-Coder-V2, an open-source Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) code language model. It is further pre-trained from an intermediate checkpoint of DeepSeek-V2 with additional 6 trillion tokens.

The original V1 model was trained from scratch on 2T tokens, with a composition of 87% code and 13% natural language in both English and Chinese. It was pre-trained on project-level code corpus by employing a extra fill-in-the-blank task.

$0.1400 / 1M input tokens
$0.2800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3 70B Instruct

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 70B instruct-tuned version was optimized for high quality dialogue usecases.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.5200 / 1M input tokens
$0.7500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Flavor of The Week

This is a router model that rotates its underlying model weekly. It aims to be a simple way to explore the capabilities of new models while using the same model ID.

The current underlying model is Llama 3 Stheno 8B v3.3 32K.

NOTE: Pricing depends on the underlying model as well as the provider routed to. To see which model and provider were used, visit Activity.

$-1000000.0000 / 1M input tokens
$-1000000.0000/ 1M output tokens
$-1000.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Mistral 7B Instruct

A high-performing, industry-standard 7.3B parameter model, with optimizations for speed and context length.

Mistral 7B Instruct has multiple version variants, and this is intended to be the latest version.

$0.0600 / 1M input tokens
$0.0600/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Mixtral 8x22B (base)

Mixtral 8x22B is a large-scale language model from Mistral AI. It consists of 8 experts, each 22 billion parameters, with each token using 2 experts at a time.

It was released via X.


$1.0800 / 1M input tokens
$1.0800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
MythoMist 7B (free)

From the creator of MythoMax, merges a suite of models to reduce word anticipation, ministrations, and other undesirable words in ChatGPT roleplaying data.

It combines Neural Chat 7B, Airoboros 7b, Toppy M 7B, Zepher 7b beta, Nous Capybara 34B, OpenHeremes 2.5, and many others.


Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of MythoMist 7B. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
MythoMist 7B

From the creator of MythoMax, merges a suite of models to reduce word anticipation, ministrations, and other undesirable words in ChatGPT roleplaying data.

It combines Neural Chat 7B, Airoboros 7b, Toppy M 7B, Zepher 7b beta, Nous Capybara 34B, OpenHeremes 2.5, and many others.


$0.3750 / 1M input tokens
$0.3750/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
WizardLM-2 8x22B

WizardLM-2 8x22B is Microsoft AI's most advanced Wizard model. It demonstrates highly competitive performance compared to leading proprietary models, and it consistently outperforms all existing state-of-the-art opensource models.

It is an instruct finetune of Mixtral 8x22B.

To read more about the model release, click here.


$0.6300 / 1M input tokens
$0.6300/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: Gemma 7B (free)

Gemma by Google is an advanced, open-source language model family, leveraging the latest in decoder-only, text-to-text technology. It offers English language capabilities across text generation tasks like question answering, summarization, and reasoning. The Gemma 7B variant is comparable in performance to leading open source models.

Usage of Gemma is subject to Google's Gemma Terms of Use.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Gemma 7B. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Fireworks Mixtral 8x22B Instruct OH (preview)

The first instruct-tuned version of the latest mixture of experts from Mistral: Mixtral 8x22B.

This model was finetuned on ~10K entries from OpenHermes dataset.


$0.9000 / 1M input tokens
$0.9000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: Gemma 7B (nitro)

Gemma by Google is an advanced, open-source language model family, leveraging the latest in decoder-only, text-to-text technology. It offers English language capabilities across text generation tasks like question answering, summarization, and reasoning. The Gemma 7B variant is comparable in performance to leading open source models.

Usage of Gemma is subject to Google's Gemma Terms of Use.

Note: this is a higher-throughput version of Gemma 7B. It may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.0700 / 1M input tokens
$0.0700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Capybara 7B (free)

The Capybara series is a collection of datasets and models made by fine-tuning on data created by Nous, mostly in-house.

V1.9 uses unalignment techniques for more consistent and dynamic control. It also leverages a significantly better foundation model, Mistral 7B.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Capybara 7B. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Llama 3 Lumimaid 8B

The NeverSleep team is back, with a Llama 3 8B finetune trained on their curated roleplay data. Striking a balance between eRP and RP, Lumimaid was designed to be serious, yet uncensored when necessary.

To enhance it's overall intelligence and chat capability, roughly 40% of the training data was not roleplay. This provides a breadth of knowledge to access, while still keeping roleplay as the primary strength.

Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.1875 / 1M input tokens
$1.1250/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
WizardLM-2 7B

WizardLM-2 7B is the smaller variant of Microsoft AI's latest Wizard model. It is the fastest and achieves comparable performance with existing 10x larger opensource leading models

It is a finetune of Mistral 7B Instruct, using the same technique as WizardLM-2 8x22B.

To read more about the model release, click here.


$0.0700 / 1M input tokens
$0.0700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Fimbulvetr 11B v2

Creative writing model, routed with permission. It's fast, it keeps the conversation going, and it stays in character.

If you submit a raw prompt, you can use Alpaca or Vicuna formats.

$0.3750 / 1M input tokens
$1.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
WizardLM-2 8x22B (nitro)

WizardLM-2 8x22B is Microsoft AI's most advanced Wizard model. It demonstrates highly competitive performance compared to leading proprietary models, and it consistently outperforms all existing state-of-the-art opensource models.

It is an instruct finetune of Mixtral 8x22B.

To read more about the model release, click here.


Note: this is a higher-throughput version of this model, and may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$1.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Lynn: Llama 3 Soliloquy 8B v2

Soliloquy-L3 v2 is a fast, highly capable roleplaying model designed for immersive, dynamic experiences. Trained on over 250 million tokens of roleplaying data, Soliloquy-L3 has a vast knowledge base, rich literary expression, and support for up to 24k context length. It outperforms existing ~13B models, delivering enhanced roleplaying capabilities.

Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.0500 / 1M input tokens
$0.0500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Mixtral 8x22B Instruct

Mistral's official instruct fine-tuned version of Mixtral 8x22B. It uses 39B active parameters out of 141B, offering unparalleled cost efficiency for its size. Its strengths include:

  • strong math, coding, and reasoning
  • large context length (64k)
  • fluency in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish

See benchmarks on the launch announcement here. #moe

$0.6500 / 1M input tokens
$0.6500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Zephyr 141B-A35B

Zephyr 141B-A35B is A Mixture of Experts (MoE) model with 141B total parameters and 35B active parameters. Fine-tuned on a mix of publicly available, synthetic datasets.

It is an instruct finetune of Mixtral 8x22B.


$0.6500 / 1M input tokens
$0.6500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3 70B Instruct (nitro)

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 70B instruct-tuned version was optimized for high quality dialogue usecases.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

Note: this is a higher-throughput version of Llama 3 70B Instruct. It may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.7920 / 1M input tokens
$0.7920/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3 8B Instruct (extended)

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 8B instruct-tuned version was optimized for high quality dialogue usecases.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

Note: this is an extended-context version of Llama 3 8B Instruct. It may have higher prices and different outputs.

$0.1875 / 1M input tokens
$1.1250/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3 8B Instruct (free)

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 8B instruct-tuned version was optimized for high quality dialogue usecases.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Llama 3 8B Instruct. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OLMo 7B Instruct

OLMo 7B Instruct by the Allen Institute for AI is a model finetuned for question answering. It demonstrates notable performance across multiple benchmarks including TruthfulQA and ToxiGen.

Open Source: The model, its code, checkpoints, logs are released under the Apache 2.0 license.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Snowflake: Arctic Instruct

Arctic is a dense-MoE Hybrid transformer architecture pre-trained from scratch by the Snowflake AI Research Team. Arctic combines a 10B dense transformer model with a residual 128x3.66B MoE MLP resulting in 480B total and 17B active parameters chosen using a top-2 gating.

To read more about this model's release, click here.

$2.1600 / 1M input tokens
$2.1600/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Qwen 1.5 110B Chat

Qwen1.5 110B is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. In comparison with the previous released Qwen, the improvements include:

  • Significant performance improvement in human preference for chat models
  • Multilingual support of both base and chat models
  • Stable support of 32K context length for models of all sizes

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

$1.6200 / 1M input tokens
$1.6200/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Qwen 1.5 7B Chat

Qwen1.5 7B is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. In comparison with the previous released Qwen, the improvements include:

  • Significant performance improvement in human preference for chat models
  • Multilingual support of both base and chat models
  • Stable support of 32K context length for models of all sizes

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Perplexity: Llama3 Sonar 70B Online

Llama3 Sonar is Perplexity's latest model family. It surpasses their earlier Sonar models in cost-efficiency, speed, and performance.

This is the online version of the offline chat model. It is focused on delivering helpful, up-to-date, and factual responses. #online

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$1.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
$0.0050 / request
Qwen 1.5 32B Chat

Qwen1.5 32B is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. In comparison with the previous released Qwen, the improvements include:

  • Significant performance improvement in human preference for chat models
  • Multilingual support of both base and chat models
  • Stable support of 32K context length for models of all sizes

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

$0.7200 / 1M input tokens
$0.7200/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: CodeLlama 70B Instruct

Code Llama is a family of large language models for code. This one is based on Llama 2 70B and provides zero-shot instruction-following ability for programming tasks.

$0.8100 / 1M input tokens
$0.8100/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
JetMoE 8B

Coming from a broad set of teams, ranging from academic to industry veterans, Jet MoE is a combined effort from MIT, Princeton, IBM, Lepton, and MyShell.

This model is fully open source and trained only on public datasets, making it well suited for uses in academia or public research.

$0.1000 / 1M input tokens
$0.1000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3 70B (Base)

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This is the base 70B pre-trained version.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.8100 / 1M input tokens
$0.8100/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Qwen 1.5 72B Chat

Qwen1.5 72B is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. In comparison with the previous released Qwen, the improvements include:

  • Significant performance improvement in human preference for chat models
  • Multilingual support of both base and chat models
  • Stable support of 32K context length for models of all sizes

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

$0.8100 / 1M input tokens
$0.8100/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Llama 3 Lumimaid 8B (extended)

The NeverSleep team is back, with a Llama 3 8B finetune trained on their curated roleplay data. Striking a balance between eRP and RP, Lumimaid was designed to be serious, yet uncensored when necessary.

To enhance it's overall intelligence and chat capability, roughly 40% of the training data was not roleplay. This provides a breadth of knowledge to access, while still keeping roleplay as the primary strength.

Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

Note: this is an extended-context version of Llama 3 Lumimaid 8B. It may have higher prices and different outputs.

$0.1875 / 1M input tokens
$1.1250/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3 8B (Base)

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This is the base 8B pre-trained version.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images

LLaVA is a large multimodal model that combines a vision encoder and Vicuna for general-purpose visual and language understanding, achieving impressive chat capabilities and setting a new state-of-the-art accuracy on Science QA.


$-1000000.0000 / 1M input tokens
$-1000000.0000/ 1M output tokens
$-1000.0000 /K input images
Meta: LlamaGuard 2 8B

This safeguard model has 8B parameters and is based on the Llama 3 family. Just like is predecessor, LlamaGuard 1, it can do both prompt and response classification.

LlamaGuard 2 acts as a normal LLM would, generating text that indicates whether the given input/output is safe/unsafe. If deemed unsafe, it will also share the content categories violated.

For best results, please use raw prompt input or the /completions endpoint, instead of the chat API.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.1500 / 1M input tokens
$0.1500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Qwen 1.5 4B Chat

Qwen1.5 4B is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. In comparison with the previous released Qwen, the improvements include:

  • Significant performance improvement in human preference for chat models
  • Multilingual support of both base and chat models
  • Stable support of 32K context length for models of all sizes

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

$0.0900 / 1M input tokens
$0.0900/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Perplexity: Llama3 Sonar 70B

Llama3 Sonar is Perplexity's latest model family. It surpasses their earlier Sonar models in cost-efficiency, speed, and performance.

This is a normal offline LLM, but the online version of this model has Internet access.

$1.0000 / 1M input tokens
$1.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Perplexity: Llama3 Sonar 8B Online

Llama3 Sonar is Perplexity's latest model family. It surpasses their earlier Sonar models in cost-efficiency, speed, and performance.

This is the online version of the offline chat model. It is focused on delivering helpful, up-to-date, and factual responses. #online

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
$0.0050 / request
Perplexity: Llama3 Sonar 8B

Llama3 Sonar is Perplexity's latest model family. It surpasses their earlier Sonar models in cost-efficiency, speed, and performance.

This is a normal offline LLM, but the online version of this model has Internet access.

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Qwen 1.5 14B Chat

Qwen1.5 14B is the beta version of Qwen2, a transformer-based decoder-only language model pretrained on a large amount of data. In comparison with the previous released Qwen, the improvements include:

  • Significant performance improvement in human preference for chat models
  • Multilingual support of both base and chat models
  • Stable support of 32K context length for models of all sizes

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

$0.2700 / 1M input tokens
$0.2700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Phi-3 Medium 4K Instruct

Phi-3 4K Medium is a powerful 14-billion parameter model designed for advanced language understanding, reasoning, and instruction following. Optimized through supervised fine-tuning and preference adjustments, it excels in tasks involving common sense, mathematics, logical reasoning, and code processing.

At time of release, Phi-3 Medium demonstrated state-of-the-art performance among lightweight models. In the MMLU-Pro eval, the model even comes close to a Llama3 70B level of performance.

For 128k context length, try Phi-3 Medium 128K.

$0.1400 / 1M input tokens
$0.1400/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Qwen 2 72B Instruct

Qwen2 72B is a transformer-based model that excels in language understanding, multilingual capabilities, coding, mathematics, and reasoning.

It features SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, and group query attention. It is pretrained on extensive data with supervised finetuning and direct preference optimization.

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

$0.5600 / 1M input tokens
$0.7700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Phi-3 Mini 128K Instruct

Phi-3 Mini is a powerful 3.8B parameter model designed for advanced language understanding, reasoning, and instruction following. Optimized through supervised fine-tuning and preference adjustments, it excels in tasks involving common sense, mathematics, logical reasoning, and code processing.

At time of release, Phi-3 Medium demonstrated state-of-the-art performance among lightweight models. This model is static, trained on an offline dataset with an October 2023 cutoff date.

$0.1000 / 1M input tokens
$0.1000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
DeepSeek-V2 Chat

DeepSeek-V2 Chat is a conversational finetune of DeepSeek-V2, a Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) language model. It comprises 236B total parameters, of which 21B are activated for each token.

Compared with DeepSeek 67B, DeepSeek-V2 achieves stronger performance, and meanwhile saves 42.5% of training costs, reduces the KV cache by 93.3%, and boosts the maximum generation throughput to 5.76 times.

DeepSeek-V2 achieves remarkable performance on both standard benchmarks and open-ended generation evaluations.

$0.1400 / 1M input tokens
$0.2800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
FireLLaVA 13B

A blazing fast vision-language model, FireLLaVA quickly understands both text and images. It achieves impressive chat skills in tests, and was designed to mimic multimodal GPT-4.

The first commercially permissive open source LLaVA model, trained entirely on open source LLM generated instruction following data.

$0.2000 / 1M input tokens
$0.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.1152 /K input images
StarCoder2 15B Instruct

StarCoder2 15B Instruct excels in coding-related tasks, primarily in Python. It is the first self-aligned open-source LLM developed by BigCode. This model was fine-tuned without any human annotations or distilled data from proprietary LLMs.

The base model uses Grouped Query Attention and was trained using the Fill-in-the-Middle objective objective on 4+ trillion tokens.

$-1000000.0000 / 1M input tokens
$-1000000.0000/ 1M output tokens
$-1000.0000 /K input images
Llama 3 Euryale 70B v2.1

Euryale 70B v2.1 is a model focused on creative roleplay from Sao10k.

  • Better prompt adherence.
  • Better anatomy / spatial awareness.
  • Adapts much better to unique and custom formatting / reply formats.
  • Very creative, lots of unique swipes.
  • Is not restrictive during roleplays.
$0.5900 / 1M input tokens
$0.7900/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Hermes 2 Theta 8B

An experimental merge model based on Llama 3, exhibiting a very distinctive style of writing. It combines the the best of Meta's Llama 3 8B and Nous Research's Hermes 2 Pro.

Hermes-2 Θ (theta) was specifically designed with a few capabilities in mind: executing function calls, generating JSON output, and most remarkably, demonstrating metacognitive abilities (contemplating the nature of thought and recognizing the diversity of cognitive processes among individuals).

$0.1875 / 1M input tokens
$1.1250/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Dolphin 2.9.2 Mixtral 8x22B 🐬

Dolphin 2.9 is designed for instruction following, conversational, and coding. This model is a finetune of Mixtral 8x22B Instruct. It features a 64k context length and was fine-tuned with a 16k sequence length using ChatML templates.

This model is a successor to Dolphin Mixtral 8x7B.

The model is uncensored and is stripped of alignment and bias. It requires an external alignment layer for ethical use. Users are cautioned to use this highly compliant model responsibly, as detailed in a blog post about uncensored models at

#moe #uncensored

$0.9000 / 1M input tokens
$0.9000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Dolphin Llama 3 70B 🐬

Dolphin 2.9 is designed for instruction following, conversational, and coding. This model is a fine-tune of Llama 3 70B. It demonstrates improvements in instruction, conversation, coding, and function calling abilities, when compared to the original.

Uncensored and is stripped of alignment and bias, it requires an external alignment layer for ethical use. Users are cautioned to use this highly compliant model responsibly, as detailed in a blog post about uncensored models at

Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.5900 / 1M input tokens
$0.7900/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Codestral Mamba

A 7.3B parameter Mamba-based model designed for code and reasoning tasks.

  • Linear time inference, allowing for theoretically infinite sequence lengths
  • 256k token context window
  • Optimized for quick responses, especially beneficial for code productivity
  • Performs comparably to state-of-the-art transformer models in code and reasoning tasks
  • Available under the Apache 2.0 license for free use, modification, and distribution
$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$0.2500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Mistral Nemo

A 12B parameter model with a 128k token context length built by Mistral in collaboration with NVIDIA.

The model is multilingual, supporting English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Hindi.

It supports function calling and is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4o-mini (2024-07-18)

GPT-4o mini is OpenAI's newest model after GPT-4 Omni, supporting both text and image inputs with text outputs.

As their most advanced small model, it is many multiples more affordable than other recent frontier models, and more than 60% cheaper than GPT-3.5 Turbo. It maintains SOTA intelligence, while being significantly more cost-effective.

GPT-4o mini achieves an 82% score on MMLU and presently ranks higher than GPT-4 on chat preferences common leaderboards.

Check out the launch announcement to learn more.


$0.1500 / 1M input tokens
$0.6000/ 1M output tokens
$7.2250 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4o-mini

GPT-4o mini is OpenAI's newest model after GPT-4 Omni, supporting both text and image inputs with text outputs.

As their most advanced small model, it is many multiples more affordable than other recent frontier models, and more than 60% cheaper than GPT-3.5 Turbo. It maintains SOTA intelligence, while being significantly more cost-effective.

GPT-4o mini achieves an 82% score on MMLU and presently ranks higher than GPT-4 on chat preferences common leaderboards.

Check out the launch announcement to learn more.


$0.1500 / 1M input tokens
$0.6000/ 1M output tokens
$7.2250 /K input images
Qwen 2 7B Instruct

Qwen2 7B is a transformer-based model that excels in language understanding, multilingual capabilities, coding, mathematics, and reasoning.

It features SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, and group query attention. It is pretrained on extensive data with supervised finetuning and direct preference optimization.

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

$0.0700 / 1M input tokens
$0.0700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: Gemma 2 27B

Gemma 2 27B by Google is an open model built from the same research and technology used to create the Gemini models.

Gemma models are well-suited for a variety of text generation tasks, including question answering, summarization, and reasoning.

See the launch announcement for more details. Usage of Gemma is subject to Google's Gemma Terms of Use.

$0.2700 / 1M input tokens
$0.2700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Magnum 72B

From the maker of Goliath, Magnum 72B is the first in a new family of models designed to achieve the prose quality of the Claude 3 models, notably Opus & Sonnet.

The model is based on Qwen2 72B and trained with 55 million tokens of highly curated roleplay (RP) data.

$3.7500 / 1M input tokens
$4.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: Gemma 2 9B (free)

Gemma 2 9B by Google is an advanced, open-source language model that sets a new standard for efficiency and performance in its size class.

Designed for a wide variety of tasks, it empowers developers and researchers to build innovative applications, while maintaining accessibility, safety, and cost-effectiveness.

See the launch announcement for more details. Usage of Gemma is subject to Google's Gemma Terms of Use.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Gemma 2 9B. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Google: Gemma 2 9B

Gemma 2 9B by Google is an advanced, open-source language model that sets a new standard for efficiency and performance in its size class.

Designed for a wide variety of tasks, it empowers developers and researchers to build innovative applications, while maintaining accessibility, safety, and cost-effectiveness.

See the launch announcement for more details. Usage of Gemma is subject to Google's Gemma Terms of Use.

$0.0800 / 1M input tokens
$0.0800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Llama 3 Stheno 8B v3.3 32K

Stheno 8B 32K is a creative writing/roleplay model from Sao10k. It was trained at 8K context, then expanded to 32K context.

Compared to older Stheno version, this model is trained on:

  • 2x the amount of creative writing samples
  • Cleaned up roleplaying samples
  • Fewer low quality samples
$0.2500 / 1M input tokens
$1.5000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
AI21: Jamba Instruct

The Jamba-Instruct model, introduced by AI21 Labs, is an instruction-tuned variant of their hybrid SSM-Transformer Jamba model, specifically optimized for enterprise applications.

  • 256K Context Window: It can process extensive information, equivalent to a 400-page novel, which is beneficial for tasks involving large documents such as financial reports or legal documents
  • Safety and Accuracy: Jamba-Instruct is designed with enhanced safety features to ensure secure deployment in enterprise environments, reducing the risk and cost of implementation

Read their announcement to learn more.

Jamba has a knowledge cutoff of February 2024.

$0.5000 / 1M input tokens
$0.7000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Yi Large

The Yi Large model was designed by 01.AI with the following usecases in mind: knowledge search, data classification, human-like chat bots, and customer service.

It stands out for its multilingual proficiency, particularly in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, and French.

Check out the launch announcement to learn more.

$3.0000 / 1M input tokens
$3.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
NVIDIA Nemotron-4 340B Instruct

Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct is an English-language chat model optimized for synthetic data generation. This large language model (LLM) is a fine-tuned version of Nemotron-4-340B-Base, designed for single and multi-turn chat use-cases with a 4,096 token context length.

The base model was pre-trained on 9 trillion tokens from diverse English texts, 50+ natural languages, and 40+ coding languages. The instruct model underwent additional alignment steps:

  1. Supervised Fine-tuning (SFT)
  2. Direct Preference Optimization (DPO)
  3. Reward-aware Preference Optimization (RPO)

The alignment process used approximately 20K human-annotated samples, while 98% of the data for fine-tuning was synthetically generated. Detailed information about the synthetic data generation pipeline is available in the technical report.

$4.2000 / 1M input tokens
$4.2000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Claude 3.5 Sonnet delivers better-than-Opus capabilities, faster-than-Sonnet speeds, at the same Sonnet prices. Sonnet is particularly good at:

  • Coding: Autonomously writes, edits, and runs code with reasoning and troubleshooting
  • Data science: Augments human data science expertise; navigates unstructured data while using multiple tools for insights
  • Visual processing: excelling at interpreting charts, graphs, and images, accurately transcribing text to derive insights beyond just the text alone
  • Agentic tasks: exceptional tool use, making it great at agentic tasks (i.e. complex, multi-step problem solving tasks that require engaging with other systems)


$3.0000 / 1M input tokens
$15.0000/ 1M output tokens
$4.8000 /K input images
Qwen 2 7B Instruct (free)

Qwen2 7B is a transformer-based model that excels in language understanding, multilingual capabilities, coding, mathematics, and reasoning.

It features SwiGLU activation, attention QKV bias, and group query attention. It is pretrained on extensive data with supervised finetuning and direct preference optimization.

For more details, see this blog post and GitHub repo.

Usage of this model is subject to Tongyi Qianwen LICENSE AGREEMENT.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Qwen 2 7B Instruct. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Phi-3 Mini 128K Instruct (free)

Phi-3 Mini is a powerful 3.8B parameter model designed for advanced language understanding, reasoning, and instruction following. Optimized through supervised fine-tuning and preference adjustments, it excels in tasks involving common sense, mathematics, logical reasoning, and code processing.

At time of release, Phi-3 Medium demonstrated state-of-the-art performance among lightweight models. This model is static, trained on an offline dataset with an October 2023 cutoff date.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Phi-3 Mini 128K Instruct. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Toppy M 7B (nitro)

A wild 7B parameter model that merges several models using the new task_arithmetic merge method from mergekit. List of merged models:

  • NousResearch/Nous-Capybara-7B-V1.9
  • HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta
  • lemonilia/AshhLimaRP-Mistral-7B
  • Vulkane/120-Days-of-Sodom-LoRA-Mistral-7b
  • Undi95/Mistral-pippa-sharegpt-7b-qlora

#merge #uncensored

Note: this is a higher-throughput version of Toppy M 7B. It may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.0700 / 1M input tokens
$0.0700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3 8B Instruct

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 8B instruct-tuned version was optimized for high quality dialogue usecases.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

$0.0600 / 1M input tokens
$0.0600/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: Llama 3 8B Instruct (nitro)

Meta's latest class of model (Llama 3) launched with a variety of sizes & flavors. This 8B instruct-tuned version was optimized for high quality dialogue usecases.

It has demonstrated strong performance compared to leading closed-source models in human evaluations.

To read more about the model release, click here. Usage of this model is subject to Meta's Acceptable Use Policy.

Note: this is a higher-throughput version of Llama 3 8B Instruct. It may have higher prices and slightly different outputs.

$0.1620 / 1M input tokens
$0.1620/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Anthropic: Claude v2.1 (self-moderated)

This is a lower-latency version of Claude v2.1, made available in collaboration with Anthropic, that is self-moderated: response moderation happens on the model's side instead of OpenRouter's. It's in beta, and may change in the future.

Claude 2 delivers advancements in key capabilities for enterprises—including an industry-leading 200K token context window, significant reductions in rates of model hallucination, system prompts and a new beta feature: tool use.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$24.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Auto (best for prompt)

Depending on their size, subject, and complexity, your prompts will be sent to Mistral Large, Claude 3.5 Sonnet (self-moderated) or GPT-4o. To see which model was used, visit Activity.

A major redesign of this router is coming soon. Stay tuned on Discord for updates.

$-1000000.0000 / 1M input tokens
$-1000000.0000/ 1M output tokens
$-1000.0000 /K input images
Mistral: Mistral 7B Instruct (free)

A high-performing, industry-standard 7.3B parameter model, with optimizations for speed and context length.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Mistral 7B Instruct. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Cinematika 7B (alpha) (free)

This model is under development. Check the OpenRouter Discord for updates.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of this model. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Noromaid Mixtral 8x7B Instruct

This model was trained for 8h(v1) + 8h(v2) + 12h(v3) on customized modified datasets, focusing on RP, uncensoring, and a modified version of the Alpaca prompting (that was already used in LimaRP), which should be at the same conversational level as ChatLM or Llama2-Chat without adding any additional special tokens.

$8.0000 / 1M input tokens
$8.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Hermes 2 Mixtral 8x7B DPO

Nous Hermes 2 Mixtral 8x7B DPO is the new flagship Nous Research model trained over the Mixtral 8x7B MoE LLM.

The model was trained on over 1,000,000 entries of primarily GPT-4 generated data, as well as other high quality data from open datasets across the AI landscape, achieving state of the art performance on a variety of tasks.


$0.2700 / 1M input tokens
$0.2700/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo Preview

The preview GPT-4 model with improved instruction following, JSON mode, reproducible outputs, parallel function calling, and more. Training data: up to Dec 2023.

Note: heavily rate limited by OpenAI while in preview.

$10.0000 / 1M input tokens
$30.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Llava 13B

LLaVA is a large multimodal model that combines a vision encoder and Vicuna for general-purpose visual and language understanding, achieving impressive chat capabilities mimicking GPT-4 and setting a new state-of-the-art accuracy on Science QA


$10.0000 / 1M input tokens
$10.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Meta: CodeLlama 34B Instruct

Code Llama is built upon Llama 2 and excels at filling in code, handling extensive input contexts, and following programming instructions without prior training for various programming tasks.

$0.7200 / 1M input tokens
$0.7200/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Phind: CodeLlama 34B v2

A fine-tune of CodeLlama-34B on an internal dataset that helps it exceed GPT-4 on some benchmarks, including HumanEval.

$0.7200 / 1M input tokens
$0.7200/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Hermes 2 Mixtral 8x7B SFT

Nous Hermes 2 Mixtral 8x7B SFT is the supervised finetune only version of the Nous Research model trained over the Mixtral 8x7B MoE LLM.

The model was trained on over 1,000,000 entries of primarily GPT-4 generated data, as well as other high quality data from open datasets across the AI landscape, achieving state of the art performance on a variety of tasks.


$0.5400 / 1M input tokens
$0.5400/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Capybara 7B

The Capybara series is a collection of datasets and models made by fine-tuning on data created by Nous, mostly in-house.

V1.9 uses unalignment techniques for more consistent and dynamic control. It also leverages a significantly better foundation model, Mistral 7B.

$0.1800 / 1M input tokens
$0.1800/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
MythoMax 13B

One of the highest performing and most popular fine-tunes of Llama 2 13B, with rich descriptions and roleplay. #merge

$0.1300 / 1M input tokens
$0.1300/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Noromaid 20B

A collab between IkariDev and Undi. This merge is suitable for RP, ERP, and general knowledge.

#merge #uncensored

$1.5000 / 1M input tokens
$2.2500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Nous: Hermes 2 Vision 7B (alpha)

This vision-language model builds on innovations from the popular OpenHermes-2.5 model, by Teknium. It adds vision support, and is trained on a custom dataset enriched with function calling

This project is led by qnguyen3 and teknium.


$-1000000.0000 / 1M input tokens
$-1000000.0000/ 1M output tokens
$-1000.0000 /K input images
Phi-3 Medium 128K Instruct (free)

Phi-3 128K Medium is a powerful 14-billion parameter model designed for advanced language understanding, reasoning, and instruction following. Optimized through supervised fine-tuning and preference adjustments, it excels in tasks involving common sense, mathematics, logical reasoning, and code processing.

At time of release, Phi-3 Medium demonstrated state-of-the-art performance among lightweight models. In the MMLU-Pro eval, the model even comes close to a Llama3 70B level of performance.

For 4k context length, try Phi-3 Medium 4K.

Note: this is a free, rate-limited version of Phi-3 Medium 128K Instruct. Outputs may be cached. Read about rate limits here.

$0.0000 / 1M input tokens
$0.0000/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Synthia 70B

SynthIA (Synthetic Intelligent Agent) is a LLama-2 70B model trained on Orca style datasets. It has been fine-tuned for instruction following as well as having long-form conversations.

$3.7500 / 1M input tokens
$3.7500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images
Mancer: Weaver (alpha)

An attempt to recreate Claude-style verbosity, but don't expect the same level of coherence or memory. Meant for use in roleplay/narrative situations.

$1.8750 / 1M input tokens
$2.2500/ 1M output tokens
$0.0000 /K input images