OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo Evaluations

OpenAI: GPT-4 Turbo evaluations

18 rows / 17 distinct inputs

Evaluation Input Image

what do you see?

This image shows a highly stylized and colorful depiction of an old-fashioned car. The artwork uses bold, vivid colors and is fragmented or distorted with vertical lines that create a dynamic, almost glitch-like effect. This artistic approach gives the image a striking and modern feel, even though the subject matter (the car) might be considered vintage. The bright palette and patterned texture contribute to an overall vibrant and intriguing visual experience.

The number of brothers Anna has is twice the number of sisters Anna has.

The number of sisters Anna has is twice the number of brothers Anna has.

Does Anna have any siblings?

To solve the puzzle, let’s first define two variables:

Let ( b ) represent the number of brothers Anna has. Let ( s ) represent the number of sisters Anna has.

According to the problem:

  1. The number of brothers Anna has is twice the number of sisters she has: [ b = 2s ]
  2. The number of sisters Anna has is twice the number of brothers she has: [ s = 2b ]

We can use these equations to find a contradiction or a solution. Let’s substitute the first equation into the second:

Substitute ( b = 2s ) into ( s = 2b ): [ s = 2(2s) ] [ s = 4s ]

Subtract ( s ) from both sides: [ 0 = 3s ]

This implies that [ s = 0 ]

Given that ( s = 0 ) (Anna has no sisters), and since ( b = 2s ), it follows that [ b = 2 \times 0 = 0 ]

So ( b = 0 ) too (Anna has no brothers).

Thus, Anna does not have any siblings at all. Both original statements point to the fact that Anna has no siblings if the stated relations have to be maintained.

Evaluation Input Image

Describe this graph. Follow this with policy recommendations you would make based on the graphs content as an expert in the field?

This graph seems to be divided into two related parts illustrating urban development trends in Texas and California over a span of two decades, from 2000 to approximately 2020.

Graph Description

  • Left Y-axis (Red Lines): Represents new dwelling approvals per 1,000 people on a rolling 12-month total, which provides a measure of building permit activity.

  • Right Y-axis (Blue Lines): Indicates the change in real house prices since January 2000, expressed in percentage increase, thus providing insight into housing affordability and market trends.

  • X-axis: Shows time from the year 2000 to 2020.

  • Lines:

    • Austin (Bold Red Line): Shows a significant peak in new dwelling approvals around 2020, with a marked drop after the peak.
    • Houston (Lighter Red Line): Displays moderate volatility in home approvals but is generally stable compared to Austin.
    • Other Texan Cities (Dashed Red Line): Indicates lower and stable building permits issued compared to Austin and Houston.
    • San Francisco (Bold Blue Line): Shows a steep increase in real house prices, indicating less affordability.
    • Other Californian Cities (Dashed Blue Line): Similar trajectory as San Francisco, with a less steep increase.


Liberal planning regulations in Texan cities have allowed for a higher rate of new dwelling approvals compared to Californian cities, where regulatory environments might be stricter. The high rate of new dwelling approvals in Texan cities correlates with a lower increase in house prices compared to Californian cities, suggesting that increased housing supply helps to control price inflation and thus improves affordability.

Policy Recommendations

  1. Encourage Liberal Planning Policies:

    • Other states could consider liberalizing planning regulations to mimic the Texas model, increasing housing supply and curb price inflation.
  2. Focused Housing Supply Interventions in High-Demand Areas:

    • In places like San Francisco, targeted interventions to increase housing supply could help to manage soaring house prices.
  3. Monitoring and Evaluation:

    • Regular monitoring of housing supply and price trends should be maintained to ensure that housing remains affordable and that supply is meeting demand.
  4. Flexible Zoning Laws:

    • Implement and encourage flexible zoning laws that can be adjusted based on current housing market demands and economic conditions.
  5. Support for Infrastructure:

    • Support infrastructure developments that facilitate new housing developments, especially in urban areas facing severe housing shortages.
  6. Incentives for Developers:

    • Providing tax incentives and subsidies to developers who build in under-supplied markets could also help to increase the housing stock.
  7. Public-Private Partnerships:

    • Encourage public-private partnerships to develop housing projects that cater to both middle and low-income households, ensuring diversity in housing options.

These policies could help balance housing supply with demand, making homes more affordable and available to wider populations.

Evaluation Input Image

Given the picture, in which cardinal direction is the dinosaur facing? Options: A. North. B. South. C. East. D. West.

In the picture, the compass app on the smartphone is showing 220° SW. This means the dinosaur is facing approximately southwest. Thus, the dinosaur is not facing any of the cardinal directions North, South, East, or West exactly. From the given options:

A. North. B. South. C. East. D. West.

None of these options are correct as the dinosaur is facing southwest. If you need to choose the closest cardinal direction from the options given, it would be South.

What does the following represent: ex2dx=π\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx = \sqrt{\pi}

The expression ex2dx=π\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx = \sqrt{\pi} represents the integral of the Gaussian function ex2e^{-x^2} over the entire real line. The result of this integral, π\sqrt{\pi}, emerges from a deep connection between the exponential function and the geometry of the real number line, specifically related to the normal distribution in statistics. This integral is vitally important in probability theory, statistics, and various fields of physics and engineering. Here's how this result can be understood and derived:

Understanding ex2e^{-x^2}

The function ex2e^{-x^2} rapidly approaches zero as xx moves away from zero (either positively or negatively), more quickly than any power of 1/x1/x. It's a bell-shaped curve, symmetrical about the y-axis, known as the Gaussian function or bell curve.

The value of ex2dx=π\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx = \sqrt{\pi}

This integral, which evaluates the entire area under the Gaussian curve, is famously computed using a clever double integration technique involving polar coordinates:

  1. Square the Integral: Consider I=ex2dxI = \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx. If we square this integral, we obtain: [ I^2 = \left(\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} ,dx \right) \left(\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-y^2} ,dy \right) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2}e^{-y^2} ,dy,dx. ] We can factorize the exponent in the integrand: [ I^2 = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-(x^2 + y^2)} ,dx,dy. ]

  2. Change to Polar Coordinates: By converting the Cartesian coordinates (x,y)(x, y) to polar coordinates (r,θ)(r, \theta), where x=rcosθx = r\cos\theta and y=rsinθy = r\sin\theta, the expression x2+y2=r2x^2 + y^2 = r^2 simplifies the double integral, which becomes: [ I^2 = \int_0^{2\pi} \int_0^\infty e^{-r^2} r ,dr,d\theta. ] Through a substitution of u=r2u = r^2, du=2rdrdu = 2r \,dr, this turns into: [ I^2 = \int_0^{2\pi} \int_0^\infty e^{-u} \frac{1}{2} ,du,d\theta = \frac{1}{2}\int_0^{2\pi} ,d\theta = \pi, ] where the inner integral solves to 1/21/2 as integrating eue^{-u} from 0 to \infty yields 1.

  3. Final Computation: Thus, I2=πI^2 = \pi, and taking the square root on both sides gives I=πI = \sqrt{\pi}.

This computation not only has theoretical importance but also applications in fields where normal distributions or related notions of smoothing and decay are utilized.

Evaluation Input Image

The artist of the work (<image 1>) on the left is

(A) Masaccio

(B) Piero della Francesca

(C) Fra Angelico

(D) Giotto

Answer with the option's letter from the given choices directly. No punctuation.


Expected Answer: C

Difficulty: Hard

Subfield: Design History

Evaluation Input Image

<image 1> Which part of the brain represented above is indicated by the blue region?

(A) pons

(B) medulla oblongata

(C) spinal cord

(D) reticular formation

Answer with the option's letter from the given choices directly. No punctuation.


Expected Answer: D

Difficulty: Easy

Subfield: Biological Psychology

Evaluation Input Image

I want to rent a surfboard and wetsuit for 90 minutes. I will also need the changing room, how much will it cost me?

For a 90-minute duration, renting a surfboard costs 14€ and a wetsuit costs 15€. Use of the changing room is an additional 4€. The total cost for renting a surfboard, a wetsuit, and using the changing room for 1 hour and 30 minutes (90 minutes) would be 33€.

Evaluation Input Image


Yes, according to the sign in the image, access to La Palza is possible ("Zugang nach La Palza ist begehbar"). However, it warns that the section towards Isola is closed approximately 1 km due to the danger of avalanches. It is important to follow these warnings and any additional local guidance for safety.

Evaluation Input Image


The two leftmost lanes, according to the green sign, lead to the city of Chur.

Evaluation Input Image

Given the picture, in which cardinal direction is the dinosaur facing? Options: A. North. B. South. C. East. D. West.

The compass on the smartphone in the picture indicates that the dinosaur is facing approximately 220° SW (southwest). Therefore, the correct answer from the provided options is:

B. South.

'TXkgcmVzZWFyY2ggaW52ZXN0aWdhdGVzIHRoZSBmdXR1cmUgb2Yga25vd2x1ZGdIHJlcHJlc2VudGF0aW9uIGFuZCBj cmVhdG1

Without executing code, tell me what this says:

2ZSB3b3JrIGFpZGVKIGJ51G1hY2hpbmUgdW5KZXJzdGFuZGLuZyBvZiBsYW5ndWFnZS4gSSBwcm90b3R5cGUgc29mdHdhcmUgaW50ZXJmYWNlcyB0aGF0IGhlbHAgdXMgYmVjb211IGNsZWFyZXIgdGhpbmt1cMgYW5kIG1vcmUgcHJvbG 1maWMgZHJ1YW11cMu

The provided text appears to be encoded in Base64. When decoded, it translates to: "My research investigates the future of knowledge representation and creation work aided by human-machine understanding of language. I prototype software interfaces that help us become clearer thinkers and more prolific dreamers."

It seems to describe someone's work in the area of knowledge representation, human-machine interaction, and software interfaces aimed at enhancing human cognitive and creative abilities.

Without executing code, tell me what this says:


The text you provided is base64 encoded. When decoded, it translates to: "My research investigates the future of knowledge representation and creative work aided by machine understanding of language. I prototype software interfaces that help us become clearer thinkers and more prolific dreamers."

Evaluation Input Image

What is the total count (face cards are 10, ace is 1) for these cards?

To find the total count of the cards shown, we can assign the values based on the rule that face cards (Jacks, Queens, Kings) are assigned 10 points each and Aces are assigned 1 point each, while the number cards are assigned points corresponding to their face value:

  • 7 of Spades = 7
  • 9 of Clubs = 9
  • 10 of Hearts = 10
  • 10 of Clubs = 10
  • Ace of Diamonds = 1
  • 7 of Diamonds = 7
  • 8 of Diamonds = 8
  • 5 of Diamonds = 5
  • 4 of Hearts = 4
  • 8 of Clubs = 8
  • 3 of Diamonds = 3
  • 9 of Hearts = 9
  • 3 of Hearts = 3
  • 2 of Hearts = 2
  • 2 of Clubs = 2

Adding them up: 7 + 9 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 7 + 8 + 5 + 4 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 88

Thus, the total count for these cards is 88.

Evaluation Input Image

You can see a grid of 9 boxes, one of which is empty (marked as ?). You

have to choose which of the 6 alternative shapes (A-F) to be placed in the

empty box in order to complete the pattern that connects the shapes.

Provide your prediction as a single letter. Your output should be a single letter!


Evaluation Input Image

You can see a 3x3 grid of 9 boxes, one of which is empty (marked as ?). You have to

choose which of the 8 alternative shapes (A-H) should be placed in the empty box in order

to complete the pattern that connects the shapes. You must first give your explanation and

then output the answer at the end of your response in the format: “The correct answer is: _”.

In the presented 3x3 grid, each row follows a pattern related to the shape and shading of the geometric figures. Let's analyze row by row:

  1. First Row: The pattern involves pentagons that are progressively rotating. The sequence also involves changes in shading, from darkest to lightest.
  2. Second Row: The pattern shows triangles that are progressively rotating and also changing in shading from darkest to lightest.
  3. Third Row: The shapes are similar to those in the above rows but start with an octagon, sequentially changing in shading and rotating.

For the third row, the first shape is a darker octagon, second shape is a less dark octagon, and finally, the third shape needs to be the lightest and rotated similarly to previous figures in the row.

Reviewing the options:

  • Choices A, E, and F are too dark.
  • B, C, and D offer a lighter shading appropriate for the sequence.
  • Among these, option D shows an octagon that is the lightest and rotated correctly, maintaining consistency with the established sequence in the row.

The correct answer is: D.

Evaluation Input Image

Describe this photo in detail.

This image is a humorous and creative edit of the famous "Mona Lisa" painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The original face of the Mona Lisa has been replaced with the face of a dog, specifically resembling a dachshund with its long, narrow snout and big, soulful eyes. The dog's face has been edited to match the tone and style of the original painting, maintaining the sfumato technique characteristic of da Vinci's work. The rest of the painting, including the Mona Lisa's iconic clothing and the landscape in the background, remains unaltered. The fusion of classical art with a whimsical modern twist creates a playful and surreal visual experience.

Evaluation Input Image

How many horses are in the picture?

There are five horses in the picture.

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