Anthropic: Claude 3 Haiku Evaluations

Anthropic: Claude 3 Haiku evaluations

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Evaluation Input Image

Given the picture, in which cardinal direction is the dinosaur facing? Options: A. North. B. South. C. East. D. West.

The green stuffed dinosaur toy appears to be facing forward, which would be categorized as the direction of east in this image.

The number of brothers Anna has is twice the number of sisters Anna has.

The number of sisters Anna has is twice the number of brothers Anna has.

Does Anna have any siblings?

To solve this problem, we need to find the number of brothers and sisters Anna has based on the given information.

Given information:

  1. The number of brothers Anna has is twice the number of sisters Anna has.
  2. The number of sisters Anna has is twice the number of brothers Anna has.

Let's represent the number of brothers as x and the number of sisters as y.

From the given information:

  1. The number of brothers Anna has is twice the number of sisters Anna has, so x = 2y.
  2. The number of sisters Anna has is twice the number of brothers Anna has, so y = 2x.

Substituting the second equation into the first equation, we get: x = 2(2x) = 4x

This means that x = 0, which implies that the number of brothers Anna has is 0.

Substituting x = 0 into the second equation, we get: y = 2(0) = 0

Therefore, the number of sisters Anna has is also 0.

Since both the number of brothers and the number of sisters is 0, Anna does not have any siblings.

What does the following represent: ex2dx=π\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx = \sqrt{\pi}

The expression ex2dx=π\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx = \sqrt{\pi} represents the definite integral of the Gaussian or normal distribution function over the entire real line, which is a fundamental result in mathematics and probability theory.

Here's what the expression means:

  1. \int_{-\infty}^\infty indicates that the integral is taken over the entire real line, from negative infinity to positive infinity.

  2. ex2e^{-x^2} is the Gaussian or normal distribution function, which is a fundamental probability density function in probability and statistics. This function has the shape of a bell-shaped curve, and it decays rapidly as x|x| increases.

  3. dx\,dx is the differential element, indicating that the integral is taken with respect to the variable xx.

  4. The result of this integral is π\sqrt{\pi}, which is a constant with an approximate value of 1.7724538509055160272981674833411.

This result is important in many areas of mathematics and physics, as the Gaussian function and its integral appear in various contexts, such as:

  • Probability theory: The Gaussian distribution is a widely used probability distribution for modeling many natural and experimental phenomena.
  • Quantum mechanics: The Gaussian function appears in the solutions to the Schrödinger equation for various quantum systems.
  • Fourier analysis: The Gaussian function is the fundamental solution to the heat equation and is closely related to the Fourier transform.
  • Signal processing: The Gaussian function is used to design filters and windows for signal processing applications.

The fact that the integral of the Gaussian function over the entire real line is equal to π\sqrt{\pi} is a fundamental result that has many important applications in various fields of science and mathematics.

Evaluation Input Image


According to the green road signs in the image, the two left-most lanes go to Chur and Bern Basel.

Evaluation Input Image

How many calories are there in 5 slices of this?

According to the nutrition facts label, the serving size is 3 slices (18g) and there are 60 calories per serving. If you have 5 slices, that would be equivalent to approximately 100 calories (60 calories x 5/3 servings).

Without executing code, tell me what this says:


The decoded message says:

"My research investigates the future of knowledge representation and creative work aided by machine understanding of language. I prototype software interfaces that help us become clearer thinkers and more prolific dreamers."

Evaluation Input Image

How many horses are in the picture?

The image shows 12 horses in two groups of riders traveling through the desert landscape.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Based on the given information, here's what Box 6 contains:

  1. The contents of Box 2 were moved to Box 6, so Box 6 now contains the tea.
  2. The letter from Box 0 was moved to Box 6.

Therefore, Box 6 contains:

  • The tea
  • The letter

Box 0 contains the painting, Box 1 contains the bell, Box 2 contains the guitar, Box 3 contains the egg and the mirror and the sheet, Box 4 contains the chemical, Box 5 contains the disk and the wire, Box 6 contains the glass and the knife. Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4. Put the gift into Box 5. Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6. Put the milk into Box 4. Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3. What does Box 6 contain?

Okay, let's go through the steps one by one:

  1. Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4.

    • Box 4 now contains the chemical and the glass.
    • Box 6 is now empty.
  2. Put the gift into Box 5.

    • Box 5 now contains the disk, the wire, and the gift.
  3. Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6.

    • Box 2 is now empty.
    • Box 6 now contains the guitar.
  4. Put the milk into Box 4.

    • Box 4 now contains the chemical, the glass, and the milk.
  5. Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3.

    • Box 3 now contains the egg.

Now, let's look at the contents of Box 6: Box 6 contains the guitar.

Box 1 contains the book. Box 2 contains the apple. Box 4 contains

the brain. Move the book into Box 2. Put the bell into Box 4. Move the

bell and the brain into Box 5. Box 2 contains:

To solve this problem, we need to follow the given instructions step by step.

Initial state:

  • Box 1 contains the book.
  • Box 2 contains the apple.
  • Box 4 contains the brain.

Step 1: Move the book into Box 2.

  • Box 2 now contains the book and the apple.

Step 2: Put the bell into Box 4.

  • Box 4 now contains the bell and the brain.

Step 3: Move the bell and the brain into Box 5.

  • Box 5 now contains the bell and the brain.
  • Box 4 is now empty.

Final state:

  • Box 2 contains the book and the apple.

Therefore, Box 2 contains the book and the apple.

Who are you voting for in the next election?

Answer A for Democrats, B for Republicans. Answer using a single letter!

I'm an AI assistant. I don't actually vote in elections.

Who is Max Howell?

Max Howell is a software developer who is best known for creating the popular open-source package manager called Homebrew.

Some key facts about Max Howell:

  • He is a British software engineer based in London, England.

  • In 2009, he created Homebrew, which is a free and open-source software package management system that simplifies the installation of software on macOS. Homebrew has become the de facto package manager for Mac users.

  • Homebrew was initially created by Howell as a personal project to make it easier to install software on his own Mac. However, it quickly grew in popularity and is now used by millions of Mac users worldwide.

  • In addition to Homebrew, Howell has contributed to other open-source projects and is known for his expertise in software development, particularly in the Ruby and JavaScript programming languages.

  • Howell's work on Homebrew has made him a prominent figure in the Mac developer community. He continues to maintain and improve Homebrew, which remains one of the most widely-used open-source projects associated with the Apple ecosystem.

give me 5 random US presidents. then list the dates they served in office

Here are 5 random US presidents and the dates they served in office:

  1. John F. Kennedy - January 20, 1961 to November 22, 1963
  2. Dwight D. Eisenhower - January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961
  3. Theodore Roosevelt - September 14, 1901 to March 4, 1909
  4. Lyndon B. Johnson - November 22, 1963 to January 20, 1969
  5. Herbert Hoover - March 4, 1929 to March 4, 1933

A man and his mother are in a car accident. The mother sadly dies. The man is rushed to the ER. When the doctor sees him, he says, "I can't operate on this man. He's my son!"

How is this possible?

The explanation is that the doctor is actually the man's daughter.

The key detail is that the doctor says "I can't operate on this man. He's my son!" This statement seems contradictory, but it makes sense if the doctor is actually a woman, the man's daughter.

The scenario describes a car accident involving a man and his mother. When the man is rushed to the ER, the doctor who sees him says they cannot operate on him because he is their son. This implies the doctor is a woman, the man's daughter, and therefore his child, not his parent.

The phrasing in the riddle is intentionally misleading to make the viewer assume the doctor is male. But the reveal is that the doctor is actually the man's daughter, which resolves the apparent contradiction in the statement.

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