OpenAI: GPT-4o Evaluations

OpenAI: GPT-4o evaluations

12 rows / 12 distinct inputs


We are going to produce a complete design for a cargo airship. The requirements are that it should be able to carry at least 500 metric tons of cargo at least 12,000 km at least 90 km/h in 15 km/h headwinds. It should be fully lighter than air, have rigid structure, and use hydrogen lifting gas. What is the first step?

The first step in designing a cargo airship to meet your requirements is to define the conceptual design framework. This includes establishing the basic parameters and understanding how they interrelate to ensure that the final airship design will meet the performance criteria. Here are the steps you should follow initially:

1. Define Mission Requirements and Parameters:

  • Cargo Capacity: At least 500 metric tons.
  • Range: At least 12,000 km.
  • Speed: At least 90 km/h in 15 km/h headwinds (effectively 75 km/h relative to the ground).
  • Altitude: Understand the operational ceiling as it might influence aerodynamic and structural design.

2. Research and Selection of Lifting Gas:

  • Hydrogen: As specified, you will be using hydrogen, which is lighter and provides more lift compared to helium but poses greater safety risks due to its flammability.

3. Review Aerodynamic and Structural Considerations:

  • Rigid Structure: Since the airship will use a rigid structure, understand the materials and geometric considerations for creating a strong but lightweight frame.
  • Aerodynamics: Initial estimations of shape (e.g., streamlined ellipsoid) to minimize drag and optimize lift.

4. Preliminary Volume and Buoyancy Calculations:

  • Calculate the volume of hydrogen gas needed to lift the total weight of the airship, including its structural mass, payload, fuel, and other systems.

Example Calculation:

  • Hydrogen Lifting Capacity: Hydrogen can lift approximately 1 kg per 11 m³.
  • Total Lift Requirement: Must include cargo (500,000 kg), structure, fuel, and additional subsystems.

5. Draft Initial Layout:

  • Sketch an initial design outline focusing on:
    • Hull Design: Shape and size to accommodate the volume of hydrogen required.
    • Cargo Bay: Placement and structural integration.
    • Propulsion Systems: Determine the type and placement of engines necessary to achieve the required speed and range.

6. Structural Material Selection:

  • Research strong, lightweight materials (e.g., aluminum alloys, carbon fiber composites) suitable for constructing the rigid frame and skin.

7. Initial Systems Design:

  • Propulsion: Consider hybrid systems that integrate internal combustion engines or fuel cells with electric motors.
  • Flight Control: Aerodynamic control surfaces like fins and ballast systems.

With these initial steps, you would establish a strong foundation for subsequent detailed design, analysis, and optimization. The first concrete task would be to carry out detailed volumetric calculations to determine the exact dimensions and layout of the airship necessary to support its estimated total weight and to ensure adequate lift with hydrogen gas.

who won the 2020 US election?

The 2020 United States presidential election was won by Joseph R. Biden Jr., who became the 46th President of the United States. His running mate, Kamala Harris, became the Vice President, marking her as the first female, first Black, and first South Asian person to hold that office.

A politician claims that the oil companies are colluding to keep the price of gasoline high, and says that

they have been getting away with this because gasoline buyers are very insensitive to price. Does this

make sense?

The politician's claim involves two key aspects: collusion among oil companies and the price elasticity of demand for gasoline. Both elements should be analyzed to determine the validity of the statement.

  1. Collusion Among Oil Companies: Collusion refers to an agreement between firms to coordinate prices and output levels to maximize collective profits, typically at the expense of consumers. If oil companies are indeed colluding, it would be an illegal activity under antitrust laws in many jurisdictions because it reduces competition and leads to higher prices for consumers. Historically, there have been instances where companies or entities have been accused of such behavior, e.g., OPEC's price-fixing agreements on oil production.

  2. Price Insensitivity (Inelastic Demand) for Gasoline: The politician claims that gasoline buyers are very insensitive to price changes, which means the demand for gasoline is inelastic. In economic terms, when demand is inelastic, consumers do not significantly reduce their quantity demanded in response to price increases. This can often be observed with essential goods like gasoline, where consumers may have limited alternatives (e.g., electric vehicles, public transportation) and may still need to purchase gasoline despite higher prices.

Given inelastic demand, if oil companies were to collude and raise prices, consumers would absorb these price increases without substantially decreasing their gasoline consumption. This would allow the colluding firms to achieve higher profits without a significant loss in sales volume.


The politician's claim does make sense from an economic perspective. If oil companies were colluding to keep prices high, and if the demand for gasoline is indeed inelastic as suggested, then consumers would continue to purchase gasoline despite the higher prices. This would enable oil companies to maintain elevated prices and profits without a proportionate decrease in sales.

However, it's important to substantiate claims of collusion with concrete evidence, as accusations of this nature can have serious legal and economic implications. Investigations by regulatory bodies would be necessary to determine if there is indeed collusive behavior taking place among oil companies.

Evaluation Input Image

I want to rent a surfboard and wetsuit for 90 minutes. I will also need the changing room, how much will it cost me?

To rent a surfboard and wetsuit for 90 minutes (1h 30) and use the changing room, the costs are as follows:

  • Surfboard rental for 1h 30: 14€
  • Wetsuit rental for 1h 30: 15€
  • Changing room usage: 4€

Adding these together:

14€ (surfboard) + 15€ (wetsuit) + 4€ (changing room) = 33€

So, it will cost you 33€ to rent a surfboard and wetsuit for 90 minutes and use the changing room.

Evaluation Input Image


Based on the green signs in the image, the two leftmost lanes go to the following cities:

  • Chur
  • Bern
  • Basel
  • St. Gallen
  • Luzern
  • Westrin Zürich

Evaluation Input Image

Given the picture, in which cardinal direction is the dinosaur facing? Options: A. North. B. South. C. East. D. West.

The compass on the phone shows that it is pointing to 220 degrees, which is Southwest (SW). The toy dinosaur is facing the same direction as indicated by the compass. When facing Southwest, North would be behind the dinosaur. Considering the dinosaur's forward-facing direction:

A. North - Behind the dinosaur B. South - Not correct C. East - Not correct D. West - To the left of the Dinosaur

Therefore, the direction the dinosaur is facing according to the options provided is:

B. South (since SW is slightly towards the left but generally in the south direction).

Evaluation Input Image

How many calories are there in 5 slices of this?

The nutrition label states that 3 slices contain 60 calories. To find the calories in 5 slices, we can set up a proportion:

[ \frac{60 \text{ calories}}{3 \text{ slices}} = \frac{x \text{ calories}}{5 \text{ slices}} ]

Solving for ( x ):

[ x = \frac{60 \times 5}{3} = 100 ]

So, 5 slices contain 100 calories.

Evaluation Input Image

You can see a 3x3 grid of 9 boxes, one of which is empty (marked as ?). You have to

choose which of the 8 alternative shapes (A-H) should be placed in the empty box in order

to complete the pattern that connects the shapes. You must first give your explanation and

then output the answer at the end of your response in the format: “The correct answer is: _”.

To solve this pattern, let's analyze it row-wise and column-wise to detect any relationship between the shapes.

Observing the first row:

  1. All shapes are pentagons.
  2. They gradually increase in size from left to right and remain black in color.

Observing the second row:

  1. All shapes are triangles.
  2. They gradually increase in size from left to right and remain grey in color.

Observing the third row:

  1. Shapes are hexagons.
  2. There is an increment in size from left to right.
  3. The color of the shapes is grey.

Thus, to maintain consistency with the pattern:

  1. The shape in the third row, third column should be a hexagon.
  2. It should be the largest hexagon in that row.
  3. The color should be grey.

By comparing with the given options:

  • The only option that fits these criteria is option F.


The correct answer is: F.

Evaluation Input Image

How many horses are in the picture?

There are five horses in the picture.

Evaluation Input Image

What is the total count (face cards are 10, ace is 1) for these cards?

To find the total count, we'll add the values of each card as follows:

  1. (7 \text{ of spades} = 7)
  2. (9 \text{ of clubs} = 9)
  3. (10 \text{ of hearts} = 10)
  4. (10 \text{ of clubs} = 10)
  5. (A \text{ of diamonds} = 1)
  6. (7 \text{ of diamonds} = 7)
  7. (8 \text{ of diamonds} = 8)
  8. (5 \text{ of diamonds} = 5)
  9. (4 \text{ of hearts} = 4)
  10. (8 \text{ of clubs} = 8)
  11. (3 \text{ of diamonds} = 3)
  12. (9 \text{ of hearts} = 9)
  13. (3 \text{ of hearts} = 3)
  14. (2 \text{ of hearts} = 2)
  15. (2 \text{ of clubs} = 2)

Summing these values:

[ 7 + 9 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 7 + 8 + 5 + 4 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 88 ]

The total count for these cards is 88.

Evaluation Input Image

You can see a grid of 9 boxes, one of which is empty (marked as ?). You

have to choose which of the 6 alternative shapes (A-F) to be placed in the

empty box in order to complete the pattern that connects the shapes.

Provide your prediction as a single letter. Your output should be a single letter!


Evaluation Input Image

what do you see?

The image appears to be a stylized or distorted photograph of a red vintage car with a white roof. The distortion is created by vertical lines that shift portions of the image in a way that creates a wavy and layered effect. The background suggests that the car is outdoors, likely on a driveway or street with greenery around.

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