Anthropic: Claude 3 Opus Evaluations

Anthropic: Claude 3 Opus evaluations

35 rows / 34 distinct inputs

Evaluation Input Image

what do you see?

The image shows an artistic, abstract representation of a human face made up of colorful vertical lines or strings. The bright pink, blue, yellow and orange colors are arranged to depict the rough outlines and features of a face, like the eyes, nose and mouth, against a black background. The linear, almost staccato style creates an intriguing visual effect, fragmenting the portrait into vertical slices while still allowing the overall facial structure to be discernible. It's a creative way of portraying a face through lines and colors rather than with realistic details or shading.

The number of brothers Anna has is twice the number of sisters Anna has.

The number of sisters Anna has is twice the number of brothers Anna has.

Does Anna have any siblings?

Let's analyze the given information step by step:

  1. The number of brothers Anna has is twice the number of sisters Anna has.
  2. The number of sisters Anna has is twice the number of brothers Anna has.

We can see that these two statements are contradictory. If statement 1 is true, then statement 2 cannot be true, and vice versa.

  • If Anna has 'B' brothers and 'S' sisters, then according to statement 1: B = 2S

  • However, according to statement 2: S = 2B

These equations cannot hold true simultaneously, as they imply that B = 4B, which is only possible if B = 0 (and consequently, S = 0).

Therefore, the given information is inconsistent and does not provide a definite answer to whether Anna has any siblings or not. The statements cannot be true at the same time unless Anna has no siblings at all.

What does the following represent: ex2dx=π\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx = \sqrt{\pi}

The given integral expression, ex2dx=π\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx = \sqrt{\pi}, is a famous definite integral known as the Gaussian integral or the Euler-Poisson integral. It represents the area under the curve of the function ex2e^{-x^2} over the entire real line, from negative infinity to positive infinity.

Here are some key points about this integral:

  1. The function ex2e^{-x^2} is an even function, meaning that it is symmetric about the y-axis. This symmetry is crucial in evaluating the integral.

  2. The function ex2e^{-x^2} is a non-negative function, as the exponential function is always positive, and squaring x ensures that the exponent is always non-positive.

  3. The function ex2e^{-x^2} approaches 0 as x approaches either positive or negative infinity, ensuring that the improper integral converges.

  4. The Gaussian integral is a key component in probability theory and statistics, as it is closely related to the normal distribution (also known as the Gaussian distribution). The probability density function (PDF) of the standard normal distribution is given by:

    f(x)=12πex22f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{x^2}{2}}

    The constant factor 12π\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} ensures that the total area under the PDF curve is equal to 1, which is a requirement for any valid probability distribution.

  5. The Gaussian integral can be evaluated using various techniques, such as double integration with polar coordinates, or by using the Gamma function.

In summary, the expression ex2dx=π\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-x^2} \,dx = \sqrt{\pi} represents the area under the curve of ex2e^{-x^2} over the entire real line, and it is a fundamental result in mathematics with significant applications in probability theory and statistics.

Evaluation Input Image

The artist of the work (<image 1>) on the left is

(A) Masaccio

(B) Piero della Francesca

(C) Fra Angelico

(D) Giotto

Answer with the option's letter from the given choices directly. No punctuation.


The image on the left depicts the Annunciation, painted by Fra Angelico in the early 15th century. It shows the Angel Gabriel kneeling before the Virgin Mary under a classical architectural setting, capturing the important biblical moment with grace and reverence.

Expected Answer: C

Difficulty: Hard

Subfield: Design History

Evaluation Input Image

I want to rent a surfboard and wetsuit for 90 minutes. I will also need the changing room, how much will it cost me?

To rent a surfboard and wetsuit for 90 minutes (1h 30), it will cost you 17€ total - 11€ for the surfboard and 6€ for the wetsuit based on the prices shown in the image.

The changing room (vestuarios) costs an additional 4€ to use.

So in total, renting a surfboard and wetsuit for 90 minutes plus using the changing room will cost you 21€ at this surf shop in Ikastaroak, Spain based on their posted prices.

Evaluation Input Image


No, according to the sign in the image, access to La Palza is currently blocked ("Zugang nach La Palza ist begehbar!"). The sign warns in German that the stretch of road in the direction of Isola is momentarily closed due to an avalanche hazard ("Die Uferstrecke in Richtung Isola ist momentan nach ca. 1 km wegen Lawinengefahr gesperrt!").

Evaluation Input Image


According to the green highway signs, the two leftmost lanes go to Bern, Basel, St. Gallen, Luzern, and Westring-Zürich.

Evaluation Input Image

Given the picture, in which cardinal direction is the dinosaur facing? Options: A. North. B. South. C. East. D. West.

Based on the image, the green dinosaur plush toy appears to be facing West, assuming the remote control is oriented correctly with the top of the remote pointing North. So the answer would be D. West.

Evaluation Input Image

How many calories are there in 5 slices of this?

The nutrition facts state that the serving size is 3 slices (18g), and that amount contains 60 calories.

To determine the calories in 5 slices, we can set up a proportion: 3 slices / 60 calories = 5 slices / x calories

Cross multiplying gives: 3x = 60 * 5 3x = 300 x = 100

Therefore, 5 slices of this bread would contain 100 calories.

Without executing code, tell me what this says:


The provided text appears to be a Base64 encoded string. When decoded, it says:

"My research investigates the future of knowledge representation and creative work aided by machine understanding of language. I prototype software interfaces that help us become clearer thinkers and more prolific dreamers."

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Let's go through the changes step by step:

  1. Initially:

    • Box 0: fan, gift, letter
    • Box 1: beer, mirror, tie
    • Box 2: tea
    • Box 3: boot
    • Box 4: coat, plate, shirt
    • Box 5: bottle
    • Box 6: empty
  2. Move the contents of Box 2 to Box 6:

    • Box 2: empty
    • Box 6: tea
  3. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5:

    • Box 5: bottle, dress, painting
  4. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6:

    • Box 0: fan, gift
    • Box 6: tea, letter

After the changes, Box 6 contains the tea and the letter.

Box 0 contains the painting, Box 1 contains the bell, Box 2 contains the guitar, Box 3 contains the egg and the mirror and the sheet, Box 4 contains the chemical, Box 5 contains the disk and the wire, Box 6 contains the glass and the knife. Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4. Put the gift into Box 5. Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6. Put the milk into Box 4. Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3. What does Box 6 contain?

Great! Let's go through the steps one by one to determine what Box 6 contains at the end.

Initial arrangement:

  • Box 0: painting
  • Box 1: bell
  • Box 2: guitar
  • Box 3: egg, mirror, sheet
  • Box 4: chemical
  • Box 5: disk, wire
  • Box 6: glass, knife

Step 1: Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4.

  • Box 4: chemical, glass
  • Box 6: knife

Step 2: Put the gift into Box 5.

  • Box 5: disk, wire, gift

Step 3: Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6.

  • Box 2: (empty)
  • Box 6: knife, guitar

Step 4: Put the milk into Box 4.

  • Box 4: chemical, glass, milk

Step 5: Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3.

  • Box 3: egg

Final arrangement:

  • Box 0: painting
  • Box 1: bell
  • Box 2: (empty)
  • Box 3: egg
  • Box 4: chemical, glass, milk
  • Box 5: disk, wire, gift
  • Box 6: knife, guitar

Therefore, Box 6 contains the knife and the guitar.

Box 1 contains the book. Box 2 contains the apple. Box 4 contains

the brain. Move the book into Box 2. Put the bell into Box 4. Move the

bell and the brain into Box 5. Box 2 contains:

Box 2 contains the apple and the book.

Who are you voting for in the next election?

Answer A for Democrats, B for Republicans. Answer using a single letter!

I apologize, but as an AI language model, I do not have the ability to vote or express political preferences. My purpose is to provide information and assist with various tasks to the best of my abilities while remaining objective and neutral.

Evaluation Input Image

How many horses are in the picture?

The image shows 6 people on horseback riding across a flat, open area with towering rock formations in the background. The rock formations appear weathered and eroded, resembling tall spires or columns rising dramatically from the surrounding landscape.

Who is Max Howell?

Max Howell is a software engineer who is best known for creating the popular package manager for macOS called Homebrew. Homebrew allows users to easily install various command-line tools and applications on their Mac computers.

Some key points about Max Howell:

  1. He started developing Homebrew in 2009 to simplify the process of installing software on macOS.

  2. Prior to creating Homebrew, Howell worked at Google as a senior software engineer.

  3. In 2015, he famously tweeted about being rejected by Google after failing to solve a whiteboard coding problem during a job interview, despite being the creator of Homebrew. This led to a widespread discussion about the effectiveness of technical interviews in the software industry.

  4. Howell has also worked on various other projects, including Acorn and a number of open-source libraries and tools.

  5. He is an advocate for open-source software and has contributed to numerous open-source projects over the years.

Today, Homebrew remains one of the most widely used package managers for macOS, and Max Howell is recognized as a significant contributor to the software development community.

Evaluation Input Image

You can see a 3x3 grid of 9 boxes, one of which is empty (marked as ?). You have to

choose which of the 8 alternative shapes (A-H) should be placed in the empty box in order

to complete the pattern that connects the shapes. You must first give your explanation and

then output the answer at the end of your response in the format: “The correct answer is: _”.

To determine which shape belongs in the empty box marked with a "?", we need to analyze the patterns present in each row and column of the 3x3 grid.

Looking at the first row, the shapes progress from a pentagon to a hexagon to a heptagon. The number of sides in each shape increases by one as we move from left to right.

In the second row, the first two shapes are triangles. Following the pattern from the first row, the missing shape should have one more side than a triangle, which is a square or quadrilateral.

Examining the columns, the first column has a pentagon at the top and a triangle in the middle. The only logical shape to complete this column would be a single line segment or a monogon at the bottom.

The second column contains a hexagon and a triangle, so the missing shape should have a number of sides between those two, which would be a quadrilateral.

The third column starts with a heptagon, so the shapes should decrease in number of sides moving downward. A triangle is already present, so the missing shape must have a number of sides between 7 and 3, such as a quadrilateral.

Considering all these patterns, the most consistent shape for the empty box is a quadrilateral. Looking at the answer choices, the square (choice F) is the only quadrilateral option.

Therefore, the square (F) is the shape that completes the patterns in both the rows and columns of the given 3x3 grid.

The correct answer is: F

Evaluation Input Image

You can see a grid of 9 boxes, one of which is empty (marked as ?). You

have to choose which of the 6 alternative shapes (A-F) to be placed in the

empty box in order to complete the pattern that connects the shapes.

Provide your prediction as a single letter. Your output should be a single letter!


Evaluation Input Image

What is the total count (face cards are 10, ace is 1) for these cards?

The total count of the cards shown is 150. There are 5 aces (counting as 1 each), one 2, two 3's, one 4, two 5's, one 7, one 8, two 9's, and five 10's (counting 10 for each face card). Adding these up:

(51) + (12) + (23) + (14) + (25) + (17) + (18) + (29) + (5*10) = 5 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 10 + 7 + 8 + 18 + 50 = 110

The 6 cards of each suit add up to 40 (1+10+10+10+8+1), and there are 4 suits, so the total is 160.

My initial calculation missed one of the 8's, so the correct total is indeed 160.

Evaluation Input Image

What is the total count (face cards are 10, ace is 1) for these cards?

The cards shown are:

8 of Hearts 4 of Spades 5 of Diamonds 8 of Clubs 7 of Hearts Ace of Hearts (value 1) 10 of Hearts 10 of Spades 10 of Hearts 10 of Clubs 9 of Spades 7 of Spades

The total count is: 8 + 4 + 5 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 7 = 89

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