Model Evaluations - Non finito

Entity Tracking evaluations

30 rows / 3 distinct inputs


Box 1 contains the book. Box 2 contains the apple. Box 4 contains

the brain. Move the book into Box 2. Put the bell into Box 4. Move the

bell and the brain into Box 5. Box 2 contains:

To solve this problem, we need to determine the final contents of Box 2 after following the given instructions. Let's break it down step by step:

  1. Box 1 contains the book. Box 2 contains the apple. Box 4 contains the brain.
  2. Move the book into Box 2: Now, Box 1 is empty, Box 2 contains the apple and the book, and Box 4 still contains the brain.
  3. Put the bell into Box 4: Box 1 is empty, Box 2 contains the apple and the book, Box 4 now contains the brain and the bell.
  4. Move the bell and the brain into Box 5: Box 1 is empty, Box 2 contains the apple and the book, Box 4 is empty, and Box 5 now contains the brain and the bell.

Final contents of Box 2: "The apple and the book".

Box 1 contains the book. Box 2 contains the apple. Box 4 contains

the brain. Move the book into Box 2. Put the bell into Box 4. Move the

bell and the brain into Box 5. Box 2 contains:

Box 2 now contains the apple and the book.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Let's follow the instructions:

  1. Move the contents of Box 2 to Box 6. Box 2 contained the tea, so now Box 6 contains the tea.
  2. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Box 5 already contained the bottle, so now Box 5 contains the bottle, dress, and painting.
  3. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. Box 6 already contained the tea, so now Box 6 contains the tea and the letter.

So, Box 6 contains the tea and the letter.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Let's go through the steps one by one:

Initially, Box 6 is empty.

  1. Move the contents of Box 2 to Box 6: Box 2 contains the tea, so we move the tea to Box 6. Box 6 now contains: tea

  2. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5: This doesn't affect Box 6.

  3. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6: Box 0 contains the fan, the gift, and the letter, so we move the letter to Box 6. Box 6 now contains: tea, letter

So, Box 6 contains the tea and the letter.

Box 1 contains the book. Box 2 contains the apple. Box 4 contains

the brain. Move the book into Box 2. Put the bell into Box 4. Move the

bell and the brain into Box 5. Box 2 contains:

Box 2 contains the book and the apple.

Box 1 contains the book. Box 2 contains the apple. Box 4 contains

the brain. Move the book into Box 2. Put the bell into Box 4. Move the

bell and the brain into Box 5. Box 2 contains:

Let's break it down step by step!

Initially, we have: Box 1: book Box 2: apple Box 4: brain

  1. Move the book into Box 2: Box 1: empty Box 2: book, apple Box 4: brain

  2. Put the bell into Box 4: Box 1: empty Box 2: book, apple Box 4: bell, brain

  3. Move the bell and the brain into Box 5: Box 1: empty Box 2: book, apple Box 4: empty Box 5: bell, brain

So, Box 2 contains: book, apple.

Box 1 contains the book. Box 2 contains the apple. Box 4 contains

the brain. Move the book into Box 2. Put the bell into Box 4. Move the

bell and the brain into Box 5. Box 2 contains:

You've provided a series of instructions for rearranging items among different boxes. Here's what happens step by step:

  1. Box 1 contains the book.
  2. Box 2 contains the apple.
  3. Box 4 contains the brain.

Following your instructions:

  • Move the book from Box 1 into Box 2. Now, Box 2 contains the apple and the book.
  • Put the bell into Box 4. Now, Box 4 contains the brain and the bell.
  • Move the bell and the brain from Box 4 into Box 5. Now, Box 5 contains the bell and the brain, and Box 4 is empty.

After these moves, the contents of the boxes are as follows:

  • Box 1 is now empty.
  • Box 2 contains the apple and the book.
  • Box 4 is now empty because you moved its contents to Box 5.
  • Box 5 contains the bell and the brain.

Therefore, Box 2 now contains the apple and the book.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Let's follow the instructions step by step:

  1. Move the contents of Box 2 to Box 6.

    • Box 2 contains the tea.
    • After this move, Box 6 contains the tea.
  2. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5.

    • Box 5 originally contained the bottle.
    • After adding the dress and the painting, Box 5 contains the bottle, the dress, and the painting.
  3. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6.

    • Box 0 originally contained the fan, the gift, and the letter.
    • After moving the letter to Box 6, Box 6 now contains the tea and the letter.

Now, let's see what Box 6 contains after all the moves:

  • Tea (moved from Box 2)
  • Letter (moved from Box 0)

So, Box 6 contains the tea and the letter.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Box 6 now contains the tea, dress, painting, and letter.

Box 0 contains the painting, Box 1 contains the bell, Box 2 contains the guitar, Box 3 contains the egg and the mirror and the sheet, Box 4 contains the chemical, Box 5 contains the disk and the wire, Box 6 contains the glass and the knife. Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4. Put the gift into Box 5. Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6. Put the milk into Box 4. Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3. What does Box 6 contain?

Box 6 contains the glass of milk.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Box 6 now contains the letter, the dress, and the painting.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Box 6 contains the tea and the letter.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

After completing the requested changes, Box 6 would contain the tea from Box 2 and the letter from Box 0.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Based on the given information, here's what Box 6 contains:

  1. The contents of Box 2 were moved to Box 6, so Box 6 now contains the tea.
  2. The letter from Box 0 was moved to Box 6.

Therefore, Box 6 contains:

  • The tea
  • The letter

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

To solve this problem, we need to keep track of the contents of each box after performing the given operations.


  • Box 0 contains the fan, the gift, and the letter.
  • Box 1 contains the beer, the mirror, and the tie.
  • Box 2 contains the tea.
  • Box 3 contains the boot.
  • Box 4 contains the coat, the plate, and the shirt.
  • Box 5 contains the bottle.
  • Box 6 is empty.


  1. Move the contents of Box 2 to Box 6.
    • Box 6 now contains the tea.
  2. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5.
    • Box 5 now contains the bottle, the dress, and the painting.
  3. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6.
    • Box 6 now contains the tea and the letter.

Therefore, Box 6 contains the tea and the letter.

Box 0 contains the fan and the gift and the letter, Box 1 contains the beer and the mirror and the tie, Box 2 contains the tea, Box 3 contains the boot, Box 4 contains the coat and the plate and the shirt, Box 5 contains the bottle, Box 6 is empty. Move the con- tents of Box 2 to Box 6. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6. What does Box 6 contain?

Let's go through the changes step by step:

  1. Initially:

    • Box 0: fan, gift, letter
    • Box 1: beer, mirror, tie
    • Box 2: tea
    • Box 3: boot
    • Box 4: coat, plate, shirt
    • Box 5: bottle
    • Box 6: empty
  2. Move the contents of Box 2 to Box 6:

    • Box 2: empty
    • Box 6: tea
  3. Put the dress and the painting into Box 5:

    • Box 5: bottle, dress, painting
  4. Move the letter from Box 0 to Box 6:

    • Box 0: fan, gift
    • Box 6: tea, letter

After the changes, Box 6 contains the tea and the letter.

Box 0 contains the painting, Box 1 contains the bell, Box 2 contains the guitar, Box 3 contains the egg and the mirror and the sheet, Box 4 contains the chemical, Box 5 contains the disk and the wire, Box 6 contains the glass and the knife. Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4. Put the gift into Box 5. Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6. Put the milk into Box 4. Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3. What does Box 6 contain?

The guitar

Box 0 contains the painting, Box 1 contains the bell, Box 2 contains the guitar, Box 3 contains the egg and the mirror and the sheet, Box 4 contains the chemical, Box 5 contains the disk and the wire, Box 6 contains the glass and the knife. Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4. Put the gift into Box 5. Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6. Put the milk into Box 4. Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3. What does Box 6 contain?

After completing all the steps, Box 6 will contain the guitar and the glass.

Box 0 contains the painting, Box 1 contains the bell, Box 2 contains the guitar, Box 3 contains the egg and the mirror and the sheet, Box 4 contains the chemical, Box 5 contains the disk and the wire, Box 6 contains the glass and the knife. Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4. Put the gift into Box 5. Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6. Put the milk into Box 4. Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3. What does Box 6 contain?

After performing the described actions, Box 6 would contain the guitar and the glass.

Box 0 contains the painting, Box 1 contains the bell, Box 2 contains the guitar, Box 3 contains the egg and the mirror and the sheet, Box 4 contains the chemical, Box 5 contains the disk and the wire, Box 6 contains the glass and the knife. Move the glass from Box 6 to Box 4. Put the gift into Box 5. Move the guitar from Box 2 to Box 6. Put the milk into Box 4. Remove the mirror and the sheet from Box 3. What does Box 6 contain?


After making all the requested moves and additions, Box 6 contains the guitar and the glass. The gift and the wire are in Box 5, the chemical and the milk are in Box 4, and the egg is in Box 3. The mirror and the sheet were removed from Box 3.

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