
Who is Max Howell?

Max Howell is a software developer who is best known for creating the Homebrew package manager for macOS and Linux operating systems.

Some key points about Max Howell:

  • He created Homebrew in 2009 as a way to easily install Unix tools and libraries on macOS. Homebrew has become very popular and widely used in the macOS developer community.

  • Prior to Homebrew, he worked at GitHub on the official Git client for macOS.

  • He has contributed to several other open source projects over the years.

  • In addition to Homebrew, he created the "brew bundle" tool which allows for easily setting up a development environment with installed packages specified in a "Brewfile".

  • He advocates for better package management tools and easier setup processes for developers working on Unix-based systems like macOS.

  • He has given talks at conferences like FOSDEM discussing Homebrew and developer tooling.

So in summary, Max Howell is recognized as the original creator and lead developer of the influential Homebrew project, which simplified package management on macOS and Linux for many developers.


Evaluation ID
March 28, 2024
Raw Output
  "id": "gen-0WVrqR2PlHz6U7HYnQ7KRsH73GxQ",
  "model": "anthropic/claude-3-sonnet",
  "object": "chat.completion",
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      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "Max Howell is a software developer who is best known for creating the Homebrew package manager for macOS and Linux operating systems.\n\nSome key points about Max Howell:\n\n- He created Homebrew in 2009 as a way to easily install Unix tools and libraries on macOS. Homebrew has become very popular and widely used in the macOS developer community.\n\n- Prior to Homebrew, he worked at GitHub on the official Git client for macOS.\n\n- He has contributed to several other open source projects over the years.\n\n- In addition to Homebrew, he created the \"brew bundle\" tool which allows for easily setting up a development environment with installed packages specified in a \"Brewfile\".\n\n- He advocates for better package management tools and easier setup processes for developers working on Unix-based systems like macOS.\n\n- He has given talks at conferences like FOSDEM discussing Homebrew and developer tooling.\n\nSo in summary, Max Howell is recognized as the original creator and lead developer of the influential Homebrew project, which simplified package management on macOS and Linux for many developers."
      "finish_reason": "end_turn"
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 14,
    "completion_tokens": 242,
    "total_tokens": 256,
    "total_cost": 0.003672